Need help fitness program for army

Hey id like to join the army as a commando. now im pretty fit but id like to train for 1 year before enrolling. so i was wondering if anyone could make me a fitness program that i can followthat can get me as fit as i possibly can. i obviously need endurance training. could you please include things such as weight, time, amount, etc, etc, also it would be nice if you would tell me the things that i should and shouldnt eat.
i would really appreciate it if you would post back here or just email me at
p.s. plz include gym exercises as well
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You're going to have to do some research.

Obviously you can do the running and cals yourself.
Check this out Navy Seal BUDS

Order the DVDs
Navy Seals Workout
and Burnout PT and Death Wish PT

As far as diet goes, the advice is the same for everyone.

Eat only whole foods and lots of fruits and veggies. Pick only foods in their natural state. Nothing processed. As far as calories go, you'll have to listen to your body. My dialy intake will be way different from yours. Eat every few hours and eat only enough so you're not hungry for a few hours. Get lots of sleep.