Sport Need help counteracting with iron supplements

Sport Fitness
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum, but I just came across it and I need some help:

I work out about 5-6 days a week (mostly cardio, weights & pilates). Usually, my abs are pretty defined and I feel great. But I found out that I have severe iron deficiency anemia and was instructed by my doctor to take a 65 mg iron supplement 3 times a day. Over the past several weeks, I’ve been feeling incredibly bloated, I have a strong fullness feeling and I feel like my digestion’s slowed down. Now my abs look like a balloon (and I feel like balloon). I've tried upping the intensity of my my workouts, but no change at all! Any ideas of what I can take with this iron to counteract the effects of it and make me feel normal again? THANKS!
why is it you think the iron supplement is making you bloat up??
MALKORE!!!!! whatzzzzup dude!!! how cool is that!!


Oh well, the OP may never look again anyway-- I did a post about nutrition nevermind... pm coming/.
why is it you think the iron supplement is making you bloat up??

Because my doctor (and the warning on the supplement's bottle) both say that taking iron can cause constipation and/or epigastric abdominal discomfort. I figure since I'm taking it 3 times a day, this is probably the cause for the bloated/full feeling.
are you taking a pill, or liquid form?

share with us your typical daily diet...breakfast, lunch, dinner, all snacks, and rough portion sizes.

a normal body should have no problems with normal iron intake. but, most americans eat like crap and put their bodies, and digestive systems, in a less than happy state.
Yea, it's the pill form.

Typical Menu

Scrambled egg whites and toast, or oatmeal. Coffee or tea.

Snack 1:
Apple, yogurt or banana. Water.

(Usually homemade) Turkey sandwich, or chicken breast with rice, or something else with high protein & complex carb. Water

Snack 2:
Granola bar or graham crackers. Water.

Turkey or Chicken spaghetti, chicken breast and veggies, or something else high protein.

Night time snack:
A cookie or something small and sweet.

Any insight?