Weight-Loss Need help, allergic to raw fruits and veggies since a kid !!!! seriously HELP!!



New member
So it might seen crazy to some but since a kid I've been allergic to raw fruits and veggies except for a selected few. I hate it, I would love to pick up an apple or peach but I can't unless I want to be in the hospital. They can't even me why??? The pesticides? What I think. What could be a good replacement I am sooooooo serious about getting in shape but can only take so much cantelope and oranges!!!! HELP!!!!!
If it's only RAW fruits and veggies that you're allergic to then maybe you can cook them or lightly steam them.

Otherwise stick to the ones you CAN eat and try to come up with lots of exciting ways of using them.
I could eat canteloupe and oranges all day. At least the two you can eat are good ones. =P

I know that doesn't help at all, sorry.

You don't NEED to eat fruits and veggies to lose weight. You just need to eat less calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. It could be all snickers bars as long as its below your caloric needs (obviously, it shouldn't be just snickers bars, but in theory . . .)
Had I known weight loss was as simple and easy as cutting calories and not having to eat a salad for three meals a day, I probably would have done it a long, long time ago...

Anyways! Have you tried organically grown vegetables? Is there any way to try it safely, to see if you can eat those fine? (I don't have any allergies, so I really don't know how safe or unsafe "testing" something, or a portion of something, is! So don't try it if you're unsure of what could happen, or better yet, talk to your doctor about it!)