Need help/advise


New member
Hey guys,

I am new to the forum and I thank anyone who reads for taking the time to hopefully lend me some help. I am 35 and currently 302lbs. I have been dieting for about 3 weeks and have gone down about 10lbs in that time to bring me to my current weight. My question is this, I am not sure about what I should be focusing on while dieting, I go to the gym everyday and do cardio with some light lifting but im not sure if this is the right way to go. Should I be focused more on the cardio or lifting? I am about 6ft tall and have always been on the heavy side since i was a teen but in the past couple of years I have really packed on the weight and I am just not sure what I need to be doing aside from dieting. Please let me know what you recommend and thank you again for reading.
Welcome to the forum :)

well done loosing the first 10 lb

At the gym you are on the right path, lifting is essential for maintaining muscle mass while cutting calories allowing you to loose mostly fat, lifting does not burn a lot of calories directly but does increase your calorie burn for many hours afterwards. Lifting should be as heavy as you can manage with good form and should not target the same muscles on consecutive days. Cardio will directly increase calorie burn and is great for heart health, however it will not preserve muscle mass unless it is high intensity intervals. Moderate cardio is ok everyday.