Need help (15 year old male)


New member
So I spent a lot of my time on the computer (two years, actually, and I got into online schooling) I eventually gained weight and I want to lose it. I'm 5'10 and around 180-190 lbs.

It bugs me being 'bigger' then everyone else because I can't go swimming with anyone, or anything like that. Sorry if this is all jumbled together, i'm kinda shy.

I need a good thing to do every day. A good routine, I guess.

I live 70 miles away from a gym so, i'm outta luck there and our school doesn't have a weight room or anything.

Please help, thanks.
you are too young to start working out for yourself. i advice you to start exercise for body building as it is perfect for u and your age. If you stick to a regular workout regimen, it will not only help out in accomplishing your bodybuilding goals but also keep you both physically and mentally revived
You're only 15 which means you're possibly still growing and getting on a diet can possibly stop your growth. I say just cut off junk food and exercise at least 3 times a week. You don't have access to a gym so do home exercises like sit-ups or even jogging around the block a few times.
There are a lot of great exercises you can do with just your own body weight. If you do a youtube search, you might find some things. Walks and hiking are also great, if you live in an area that is safe enough to do that. There are actually a lot of work out videos online (especially on youtube) that you can access for free and do when you want. A lot of them are cardio based, but you could probably find some yoga ones or some weight lifting ones too.
Pushups, situps, squats, jogging, walking, sprints, hiking, climb stairs a bunch of times, ride a bike, shadow box, find some martial arts classes.

You're not that overweight at 5'10", and as stated, you're probably still growing. Cut out the junk food, eat good food when you're hungry - learn when you're not hungry (easier said than done), find stuff you like to do to keep yourself from boredom snacking.
Just try to eat a bit better. Buy a bike and go for a bike ride or if you don't want to do that just yet by a static bike that you can keep in your room. I spent 30 mins on my static bike today whilst playing a video game! I didn't even realize how long I had spent on the bike so that's a possibility for you x