Weight-Loss Need filling up!!



New member
When I get peckish I try and have a piece of fruit but it nowhere near satisfies my hunger, does anyone else find this? I've just eaten 3 oramges and I'm even hungrier now! Anyone got any suggestions?
the sugar in the oranges might be making you hungry?

Either that or you've got a craving for somehting and the orange isn't satisfying that craving...

When I get really hungry a small bowl of cereal usually covers me (I have never liked milk on cereal so it becomes finger food that has the crunch that I do like and if it's a high fiber cereal it does to the job.. mostly...

either that or i'll go with some celery sticks and a tablespoon of hummus...
I'll tell you whats been working great for me. Anytime I've having a powerful hunger for a snack, I eat a whole can of low sodium asparagus, or spinach. Fills me up, stops my cravings, keeps me full for a while, has less than 100 calories for the whole can, is arguably good for me (can nazis may disagree).
cream of wheat: 1 serving = 100 cal.... fills me right up.
i have found sugar is what makes me hungry. so for a sweet tooth i will eat some salted fruit. ummm melons or strawberries or oranges a apples. Dont know about the salt just something i have liked since I was a kid. The veggies work for me as well. I think the canned stuff if fine i was raised on it. I just dump the liquid in the can to rinse it off to get rid of that can taste.
I find fruit makes me hungry too. My weight management lady suggested having some protein or complex carb with fruit, say an apple with cheese, or dried fruit and nuts, to slow down the sugar.

What I find fills me up is porridge ( I have a wheat free variety due to having IBS, that has wholegrain rice and millet in it) and 25g dry porridge with 150 ml milk (and a touch of honey) is 200 cals. It seems denser that cold cereal, and whereas with normal cereal I am always tempted to have another bowl, with having to cook porridge I am less likely to over indulge.

Also I make smoothies with low fat yog or milk, fruit juice, frozen summer fruits and some nuts and seeds. It keeps me full up for ages, and I sometimes have a large smoothie as an actual meal.
I'll eat an entire container of broccoli. No matter what form or size. Or, a whole thing of asparagus. Like 1 lb or so.
Cucumbers, particularly the english,hot house variety with the thin skin that doesn't need peeling (and very few seeds whichare easy on the digestion)
Sprinkle a little bit of spice blend on it andit's tasty

Radishes -- I don't know what it isa bout them - I love them

Wasa Crisp bread (they've got tons of varieties but I am partial to the Rye myself) with either a thin spread of goat cheese or boursin and some sliced radishes or grape tomatoes on top...

A low carb high fiber loaf of pita bread, stuffed with tomatoes and cucumbers.
Radishes gross me out. They have no measure of nastiness. But tomatoes, cucumbers, pita bread even, are good :)