Need bigger, stronger body for football (desperately)

Hi, I'm Mitcheal. I'm 15, and my build is 5'9" 133lbs with 6% body fat. I want to play football but I'm too slender and just not built enough to compete with the other guys at my school. I know if I worked out and put on at least in between 10 and 20 pounds, and improved my overall strength, I could have my pick at any of the starting positions- if all that makes any sense. I'd really like to be quarterback, runningback, or safety. Since I don't currently weight train but I'd like to add the weight as fast as I can, I'd like start out hard, but not hard enough to go over my abilities the first few times in the gym and overwork myself. I'd like to get used to it first and condition myself. Now heres what all you weight training experts and muscleheads have been waiting for: I need my chest, forearms, upper arms, and thigh/calf. I'd also like to know some good supplements to make the workouts worthwhile and help me add the weight. I need more size and weight than strength.
full body routine done once every 3 days, built around squats, deadlifts, bench press, and pull ups. also with shoulder presses, curls, standing calf raises, hyperextensions, crunches, russian twists and overhead extensions (db for triceps). do this for 10 workouts, about a month. then look into a split routine and supplements like creatine, but trust me, wait on the supplements. that is almost the exact routine my highschool football coach gave me (running back) and all the halfbacks. once your strength is up, you will also need to focus on speed and stamina.
Get your hands on The Blackbook of Training Secrets by Christian Thibaudeau

It is worth every penny you pay for it, IMHO. It comes with a 12 week training program with agility drills. Also includes much much more.

I started for football with a three day full body program, built a lot of power in about three months then started more into isolation training.

I think that you'll benefit more from power and strength than just weight though, at least around here you get a fair chance to try out and if you are bowling over people twice your size people will take notice, especially at running back. Or if you can power through an O line to get the QB.

Should really decide where you would like to play and train to it, especially if you wanna play QB, you can add some velocity through weight training and add to your core to eat a sack but accuracy and alertness come from practice.
I was 5'3 110 lbs when I joined JV football, and just from being on the team for 2 1/2 months I'm 5'5''(growth splurt) 121 lbs. Just join the team, because it's spring football and you lift one day a week then run the rest. You can look at what everyone else is doing and then ask the coaches. We do: Squats, romanian deadlifts, push press, cleans, bench press, and bent rows. Just google it and find out what those are.
I feel Football ( like every sport) is about overall development. You want to be a Quarterback, Runningback or Safety. It doesn't matter what weight you are at, you need to be able to control that weight. So as you weight train and take the great suggestions given to you- don't forget about developing your overall speed. Your footwork, agility and straight-ahead speed. These are improtant components to the game as well as strength and size. Power training is also important (plyometric training). Make sure you can handle your own weight properly on the field and that will take you to a higher level of competition. With the added strength and size, your body will need to know how to move it. Thanks for taking the time to listen and listen to the other's key suggestions as well.
If you ever need help or suggestions. Just e-mail and I will help as much as possible.