Need bigger legs

Hi, im tall and skinny. I have very very skinny legs and really want them bigger. What is the best way to get my legs bigger?

I have no weights, equipment or access to a gym - so what is the best way i can do this at home?
Hi, welcome to the forum. If you can find stuff around the house to use as weights, you can do dead lifts, squats and lunges, which are probably the most effective exercises for your hamstrings and quads. You can start off with just body weight if you are not very strong. Also, don't forget the calves, you can do one leg standing calf raises as a start for them. Hope this gets you going.
Sprint -- especially wind sprint by the beach / sand. Try to do 50 / 100 / 200 meter sprints. run like the wind. that and hiking will do it. It's all about eating. When you sprint, eat like crazy to build the mass. Your leg should be sore the day after and 2 days after sprint training as well. Try to sprint 2-3 times a week. do it until you feel like puking. :)
Hmmm can you not get access to any weights? or gym?

Yea like some have said, various types of squats, lunges, deadlifts, calf raises. Maybe fill up a rucksack with heavy items so you can add weight when squatting/lunging or whatever.

Also, the main thing is diet. If your not eating enough, those legs will stay like pin's forever ;)
Buy some bags of sand, the ones I have from the handware store weigh 56lbs each, cost under £3 (about $5) and are very versatile as weights. You could hold them in front of you zercher style and do lunges. IMO if you don't have access to a bar then unilateral lifting for legs is the best way to go to increase size
Strong Legs

Squats, Lunges, Calf Raises, and Dead Lifts are some good things to do to make your legs stronger and you can do all of these things without weights. After working out your legs, I would suggest eating a good balanced diet of protein, carbs, and fruits and veggies. Do you drink milk? Milk also builds strong healthy bones. Protein is the key here. This is a good way to get your amino acids that help build muscle. You may also want to look into supplements. There are a variety of supplements that help with muscle and weight gain.

IT sounds like you are a young person, not many young guys work there legs; at least not at my gym.SO i applaud you for starting to work your legs,and just as everyone said all kinds of ways to work them. YOU can use a stair to work your calves, also lunges without weights, squats using body weight ect.THE important thing is you are working them, legs are your FOUNDATION!-------KEEP IT GOING.