Need advice!

I am a 20 year old female. athletic build. I do cardio everyday (eliptical, treadmill, running outside) for an hour or so. Today I just started a strength training plan that will last for twelve weeks. It came with meal plan information and how to calculate how many calories to eat everyday. It is telling me that in order to lose body fat I should eat 2070 on a day that I workout. I normally eat 1700 calories and this seems like so many calories to me. I am worried that I am going to gain weight and I do not want that to happen. Any advice?
Strenght training uses a lot of energy due to the intensity and recovery. If you are keeping the other stuff and adding this you will use mor energy.
That said the chances that your plan will be set up to allow for genetics, metabolism and body weight are slim to none. You will know your body better than they do so keep good balance and increase a small amount first adding more if needed.
One thing to be careful of when using strength training is seeing an increase in weaight and freaking out. Lean mass will come from this training and is very heavy. If you lose a pound of fat and gain 2 of muscle your body would look virtually the same but the scales will show a pound gained. Also remember that your water levels will vary so leave the scales out of this one as much as you can.

One thing I would say is that gaining strength without gaining any weight, including muscle, is really tough and uses a lot of energy. Be interesting to see what your program contains because for full on power-lifting where you want strength at low weight you are in rep ranges 6 and below virtually all of the time.
I'd like to know what your results have been while eating 1700kcal/day. Let's say you've been losing 1lb/wk at that level. If you start eating 2,070kcal/day, the worst that will happen is your weight loss will stall. Other than possible bloating/water weight (which will normalise itself anyway), you wouldn't be gaining any weight. In saying that, if you did gain weight, it probably wouldn't be as bad as you think, in fact it might be good. I'm going to show you some progress pics of a girl named Staci.



Notice she's about the same size in each picture, but progressively gets a more toned physique. From top left to bottom right is not weight loss, or even weight maintenance. From top left to bottom right is a gradual gain of 25lb! In order, that's 117lb, 131lb and 142lb.

All that being said, I'd agree with pretty much everything Oldie said above me.