Need advice, unable to commit

Hey guys I just found these forums. Im at the age of 14 and a half, enrolled in football but now that season is over, we have started weight training.

My specs:

5'7 / 5'8ish
117 pounds (need to put on weight but how)
Meals: Complete junk, fastfood, been like this for 1-2 years now

I dont understand, is my metabolism so high that I burn everything that I eat through my metabolism? I just don't understand why I'm not putting on weight. I generally just dont like the foods my mom cooks because to me they are just plain disgusting.

Currently, im having A LOT of trouble with power cleans, i can only lift 5 pounds a side with a 45 pound bar, while the others my age and level can lift 10's a side. It was just my first time doing those and their like 50th but still I can't accept it. I can out squat them and deadlift them, but not quite with the cleans and the other exercise that I am forgetting the name of. My bench is also not too impressive at the moment.

Also my abs: I have abs that are pretty firm, but they dont show, and crunches and situps I just dont feel the burn of or see the results of, so I quit those.

Please give me guidance as I dont know what to do.

Thx everyone ;)
I did some research and I found out unless I put on some fats, I just won't get big. Also for my abs I have to drop about 1-2% of my body fat for them to show. So... if I gain some weight, and my BF % goes up, my abs go back in? :(

no replys? :(

lol i typed a really long response then my internet messed up
so im just gonna write in bullet points lol
k first u dont need to gain fat simply eat it
then u also need carbs
if u dont wanna eat wat ure mum cooks make ure own food i started making my own food wen i was about 12 u can use all cook books and get free recipes off the internet and may i also suggest protein shakes in between meals they will help u gain weight remember to only add about 500 calories more than u eat though if u gain more than 1 or 2 lbs a week ull put on too much FAT and ull never get definition

cos of ure football dependin on if ure english lol i dont no american football that would build up leg muscles more than upper body
practice makes perfect but dont over do it cos otherwise ull loose muscle do it 3 times a week with or without ure coach

u shouldnt just do situps and crunches ure body gets used to it email me ill send u a tonne of exercises cos i need to write them out for pe lol about 5-10 ill send u cos its my homework there all for the abs and ill find some back ones especially for u cos u need to even out the back and stomach cos otherwise ull hurt ureself and then ill get in trouble lol

haha this is my bullet points no wonder teachers always write i said brief

well email me ill send it to ya lol
hope i helped
luv from becca
tried sending you an email but it said you made it so that you dont want to recieve emails? :(

my email address is

could you please send me all the information you included on workouts and especially the ab part? also could you recommend foods or show me an online cookbook thats free and healthy? thank you :)
only_me, I'm having trouble understanding your posts throughout the forum. Could you be a bit clearer?

Hey SeP,

Putting on weight is actually fairly simple. Just take in more calories than you burn throughout the day. And make sure what you're eating is healthy. Stuff like whole grains, oats, rice, fruits, veggies, low fat dairy products, and lean meats like chicken and fish. Try to up your protein intake, also.

As for power cleans, your problem almost certainly lies in your (lack of) technique. You want to make sure your back is straight, your butt is pushed out, and you're shooting up with your legs and NOT trying to heave the bar up with your arms. Follow through is also important. Let the bar rest on your shoulders, with your elbows turned outward. You should land the bar in a squat like position, not standing straight up. Again, don't use your back or your arms. You should feel this excercise in your legs.

As for bench, that's the exercise your most likely to see ridiculous improvement in. Don't worry about it. Just stick with it for a few months, and you'll be able to do a respectable amount of weight.

Don't worry about getting that six pack, either. You're playing football and trying to put on wieght, so your abs just aren't going to show for a while. Keep at those crunches though. And mix it up with sit ups and reverse crunches. Also try to do your ab work using weight.

Take care.
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really appreciate that post cult_of_love, filled me in quite nicely. Is there any way i can measure how many calories i have BEEN taking in each day on average vs how much i need to start putting on weight? i mean, today all ive had is a bowl of cereal and chips and its 6 PM now, kind of ridiculous. i dont feel all that much hungry at all cept for just now.

any suggestions on foods that actually taste decent (TO THE PICKIEST EATER EVER lol) and things i can munch on to increase my calorie intake?
Hey SeP,

Here's a portion of abear's Weight Gain 101 Post:

"Weigh yourself on day 1 first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Keep track of all the calories you eat for 14 days. On day 15 weigh yourself again, if your weight has not changed by plus or minus 2 pounds this will work. Add up the calories for each day and divide by 14. The number you come out with is how many calories you need to eat each day to maintain your current bodyweight. Now to start gaining weight you need to add 300 calories to this number. Go 7 days then weigh yourself again. Slowly up the calories until you see an increase in weight."

Pretty damn good info, and better than I could ever put it. That is a great resource if you're looking to gain weight.

Hah, I'm actually very picky also. Some foods I like and eat on a regular basis are whole grain bagels (no toppings...usually eat half in the morning and half for lunch), pretty much every fruit you can imagine especially pears and bannanas, salads (you can get them ready to eat at your grocery store), oatmeal, nuts (although they have a very high fat content...good protein source), low fat milk, and baked potatos (just throw one in the oven and give it some salt, pepper and whatever spice you want). Stuff like that. Low cost, easily prepared, accesible.

As for meats, I tend to eat those less regularly, due to high cost and the time it takes to prepare them. I tend to get most of my protein from dairy products and nuts. But eat some fish or chicken every couple of weeks. Just experiment. Try new foods and find stuff you like.

And please stay away from fast food, chips, candy and pop! Sugar and grease is packed into those "foods" like you would not believe :eek:
ok thx again, ill give that a shot, gotta get up first thing tomorrow morning and get a scale though :) So on things i eat, how exactly do i measure its calories? on the packages i see "calories per serving" and crap like that, but i usually finish off the whole package of whatever it might be lol.. so anyways i gotta go get a cookbook or something so i can eat better immensly and try to actually put down the things you said that i couldnt eat, which is all i eat and have been eating.

atm im doing:

120+ squat
100 bench press
30ish pound bicep curl
100-110 leg extensions

for some reason im doing complete sets and reps, of 8-10 5 times, but im not quite feeling the soreness the next day... is something wrong?
Not necessarily. I rarely get sore even after intense workouts. I might get a little stiff, but that is about it. I really don't know much about it, but from my personal experience, it isn't an indicator of how hard you're working your muscles. In fact, I think of it more of an indicator of not having worked those muscles in the past.

Although someone may correct me on that one...

Are those numbers your max on each exercise? Looks pretty good, just keep at it. :)
well not completely max

bench i may be able to push up to 110
squat probably 125-130
curl i think im maxed atm

any suggestions to my workout?

first day workout:

leg extensions

next day:

workout mentioned below
just dips for tricep
also doing the behind the head 30 pound dumbell for triceps (soon to be added)

also thinking about doing those forearm things that you squeeze whenever im not doing anything on my restdays or whatever when im just sittin around like now

edit: I moved curls to my next day workout and added an excercise that i didnt know i could do at home, its like deadlift in a way but im not sure, currently doing around 80 pounds worth.

the workout description (need to know name): you take the bar as if it was deadlift but you bring it all the way up to your chest or so, i jump because it helps me with the workout.
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Hm, so I'm assuming you have access to your school gym and are doing everything there. In that case, you might want 1) break up your workout to concentrate on specific body parts each day and 2) do a greater variety of excercises. For example, on Monday you could work your legs, doing squats, lunges, leg extensions and leg curls, and maybe some calf work too. On Tuesday, your chest and triceps with bench press, military press, front/lat raises and maybe some skull crushers. You want a lot of good, solid excercises in your routine, and you want to mix it up every few weeks, doing different kinds of excercise, and with different amounts of weight and number of reps. Think 'variety'.

For forearms, I attatch maybe 10-15 pounds of weight to a bar with a rope. Then, with my arms in front of me, I reel in the weight, using the bar. It's a great excercise.

I'm not sure what that excercise you described is. It sounds like a row, if you're bringing the bar up to your chest. I wouldn't jump during an excercise, as it will take pressure off the area you want to work, and it might hurt your back. Always lock your back in, and concentrate on using whatever body part you're supposed to.
ill get a complete workout day 1 - 2 workout from my school's gym. Right now off the top of my head we do (not in this order)

Power cleans
Push jerks
Incline pull (what i was talking about and u couldn't understand :))
Dumbell curls
shoulder burners

(theres more but i forgot)

and we do this 5 days a week, about 8 excercises each day. medium - high reps.
Here are a few tips when u work out, they might help you gain more muscle: Work big muscles masses first. for example, chest, then tricepts. When you work your chest, you also work part of your tricepts. So by doing tricepts 2nd you can completely do both muscles.
Change your routine periodically. If you lift on the same schedule, you will plateau, and your max wont change. Change your lifting schedule (Push/pull, Upper/lower, 4 day, etc). Also change the amnt of reps, so you do low reps for a couple of weeks, then do more reps with less weight for a week or so... depending on your goals.