Need advice on what jewellery to wear


New member
Ok; I need some advice on what type of jwellery to wear with this dress I got a metallic colored graduating pearl necklace but do you think that would pop out too much...not sure :confused: need your advice....
beautiful dress...
I'm seriously fashion challenged but...

the bodice of the dress looks a little fancy so I wouldnt go too crazy with accessories.. .but a necklace that fills the neckline and doesn't hang onto the neck of the dress (like an 16-18 inch necklace would be pretty...
Can you get a picture of the necklace? It sounds okay, but would have to see it to be sure. I would almost be tempted to go with a small drop down diamond type of thing.. simple and wouldn't over do it, plus it would be much easier to match earrings if you do that sort of thing.
Thanks gals, what I decided to wear is a line earring see attached picture with a bracelet which has three lines.. and since the length of the earring is long I am not going to be wearing anything in the neck what do ya think?
That should be just fine. I like the earrings. It helps that the dress has a good neck line of its own, so you should be able to get by with no necklace.
We have an office party and it is a whole different thing to dress up when you have lost thats the event what I am getting dolled up for just felt like showing off all my hardwork you know what I mean :coolgleamA:
you've earned it - get down with your gorgeous self :)