Need advice on starting out

Hello my name is ryan im new to this site.

I am a junior in high school and am joining indoor track witch starts in about a month i was wondering if any one can give me any helpful tips on how to get in shape for running. I run but often get cramps in lower left of my stomach what could this mean and how do i treat this?

thanks RyAn
Complicated question. If you only have a month you better get moving. The worst thing you can do now is to go too hard thinking it will get you in shape faster. It wont.
Start out slow at a medium pace.
The stomach cramp could be runners stitch. Sometimes caused by dehydration, sometimes from running form, and sometimes from going too hard. Could be a combination of all three.
Try to isolate the problem by tweaking each one at a time.
For a small piece of the form puzzle, pay attention to which foot you exhale on. If you are always doing it on the same foot, change it up a bit. Sometimes people us their dominant leg to push off from which causes torsion on your torso. Try and use each leg the same....try to be symmetric.
Many times the side stitch is caused by breathing technique. Make sure your chest is RELAXED and your shoulders are down and free of tension. Don't flex your stomach muscles like you are at the beach while running. You should 'let it all hang out' because you get much more oxygen that way and you are more relaxed.
Most of the time the cramp has to do with a few of these coupled together. Almost Always comes from going at too high of intensity plus something else. Everybody feels great the first part of the run. We all want to hall A$$ down the trail, but the good runners finish as strong as they start. That should be your goal. For the rest, I could go on forever.

Excellent book on running from a master.
are you eating shortly before you run?
run about 2-3 hours after you eat... as your body does not like having to digest your food while you run.

id give it 3 hours, see if that makes it go away.
also dont drink too much water prior your running... focus more on drinking after.
I recommend drinking before, during, and after running. You may also eat some carbs 30-45min before running if you need the energy. Our team did this with no problems at all. DEFINATELY hydrate though.
i actually have no idea about cramps but i heard that it has something to do with ur blood. and i heard else where that it's because you breathe through you're mouth a lot. But thats just what i heard may be true maybe false.

Try breathing through your nose at times and when cramps come try rubbing the area with 2 fingers.

see if this helps if so tell us =]

I think it works for me.. i usually rub my cramps and try breathing through my nose at times.
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Better get started!