Weight-Loss Need Advice on my eating plan



New member
Well guys. I found a plan that works for me and is easy to do, although everyone who hears it thinks it is a very hard diet to follow, it seems to work for me.

Schedule through day:

Morning - Run for about 30 minutes

Breakfast (9-11am) - Dry cereal, such as corn flakes. never more than one serving, usually less. Plus a fruit.

Lunch (2pm ish) - Banquet or Lean Cuisine

Dinner (6pm ish) - Another Banquet or Lean Cuisine

Late night (11pm ish) - Run for at least 40 minutes)

So doing this I found it to be very easy and hopefully effective. I am highly motivated and am not cheating at all.

My question is, is it ok to follow this? My calorie consumption is usually around 1000 calories and I am getting in at least 1 hour total of aerobics a day.
Your one of those types of people who do massive loads of exercise and consume about 500 calories a day and WONT listen to anything anybody has to say.

What you are doing will not work long term, but I expect that you don't care cause you are obviously in it for a quick fix not a lifestyle change.
Throw some snacks in there. Fruit/veggies. At your weight you can get away with a larger serving of cereal in the morning.

If you can do it, skip the frozen dinners. They're expensive and notreally good for you. If you want to take weight off and keep it off for life you want to train yourself to make the right choices. I understand with some schedules though its not possible to make every meal every day.
I'm with austin on this - I'm guessing you want validation and not the truth..

Your diet looks awful - you've got no real sources of protein, no sources of fiber, far too much sodium and processing... you're doing no strength training to preserve muscles... and your calories are far too low for your current size...