Need advice on lifting

I started losing weight about 3 months ago, and just started hitting the gym about 6 weeks ago.

My main goal is weight loss, but I don't want to do that at the expense of my "build" either, in fact I would like to increase the size of my chest and arms specifically. 20 years ago, I was a pretty decent athlete but always had a gut, not a huge one, but a gut nonetheless. At my prime, I was 210 lbs (6' tall).

Flash forward and today I'm the same height, but even after 30 lbs of weight loss I'm still at 240 lbs.

I have been doing 3 sets of 12 reps on the following exercises, and want to be sure that I'm maximizing my time in the gym. Please be aware that the gym I use is in a small town's high school and i can only be in there about 45 minutes on weekdays (more on the weekends).

Here are my exeercises:

Dumbell Curls
Lat Pulldowns
Upright Row
Chest crossovers (from standing position with suspended weights to either side)
Tricep Extensions (in front, pushing downward)
Then I burn out on lightweight with dumbell curls until I can't do them anymore at the end of the workout.

Leg extensions
Leg curls
Calf raises
Cardio on treadmill at brisk walk for 30 minutes at a 5% incline
** A bad sacro-iliac joint prohibits me from doing squats with any weight**

I plan on adding pushups to my routine this coming week.

Is this a decent plan, or should I be focusing more on heavier weights for only 6-8 reps (3 sets)?
What exercises would you suggest adding (or even getting rid of?)

Thank you in advance for any advice, tips, etc.
looks like you have done a pretty good job so far, you need to mix in some compound exercises and add some intensity to get the thickness you want, but before I get ahead of myself, whats your diet made up of? you can't out train a bad diet.
yeah, compounds are best
instead of curls and tricep exts, better choices are rowing & shoulder press
instead of leg ext & leg curls: squats & straight-leg deadlift
instead of 2x week: 1x week at high intensity
instead of 3sets x12reps: 2 sets of 6 reps.
use weight heavy enough to keep perfect form but only get 8 reps max
your heart will tell you if you have enough intensity by pumping heavily
use the other days for cardio-based or HIIT training
take a brisk walk every day that you can.
all this along with eating healthy should super-charge your weight-loss & strengthening. best of luck