Need advice on Elliptical work-out

I've been using a Precor 5.33 elliptical for 14 months. I'm a 52yo male, and my 'routine' has been the Basic Heart Rate program, with 3 min warm-up, 27 min work-out and 3 min cool down.

The guidance seemed much too light, so I pushed it (a lot). I set the incline to 11% for the whole work-out. To keep the warm-up from stopping too soon, I tell it to get the heart rate up to 145. When it switches to the exercise, I keep raising the heart rate target so that I can keep the resistance up. That usually means finishing with a rate in the high 150s or low 160s. A good 'run' winds up using 470 calories, but the machine tells me I'm spending almost no time at the target heart rate.

The Fitness Test today told me I was only 'Moderately' fit. So I went to the Precor website, and checked out their routines. They're all much lighter than what I've been doing. Am I making a mistake by pushing this hard? If I am, am I losing fitness, or just risking personal injury?
The only person that can guage if you are pushing too hard is you. I'm 60 years old and I bike 20 to 30 miles at a clip but I built up to that level. Listen to your body and push as hard as you feel comfortable if you have determined that you have no health issues. This over-simplifies it but if you finish 30 minutes and feel like tossing your cookies then too hard. If you finish and say, Wow I feel great, then just right.
Are you training to burn fat or for cardio health? Because the preferred heart rate is MUCH different between the two.

Personally I think for fat burning, 1/2 an hour is just a warm up. I'm almost your age, but I get far better resluts when I am on it for an hour.
Not really sure what my goals are. It might be nice to lose weight, but I just don't have an hour to devote. As it is, if I'm up by 0515, I can get ~30 min in before work. After work (12-hour days, 6/wk) it's just not going to happen.

Mostly I want to keep walking at an age when my parents had become 'too old'. My hobby is cabinet-making, so I want to keep lifting sheets of plywood after I retire from the job that keeps me from exercising!

Also bought a used gym (Vectra 1250) and paid a trainer to come talk to me this weekend about how to do this 'right'. Not sure I know how to judge quality...
David K,

if your short on time but still want an effective workout then a 15-20 min burst of tabata style intervals is VERY effective.

Tabatas are normally 4 minute 'rounds' of intervals, 20seconds fast, 10 seconds recover, repeat x 8
rest 1 minute
then repeat.