Need advice from you healthy people :)


New member
I lost 20 kg after trying out a massive number of diets, and ever since then, it's been yo-yo hell. My eating habits back then were, to put it in the words of a trainer, shocking. I'd eat once or twice a day, and those foods contained much saturated fat and processed, frozen, microwavable food which is pretty much the staple food of all university students. :) I'd never touch a single glass of water; instead consumed sweetened drinks, etcetcetc. In other words, wow, unhealthy much?

I grew so sick of this lifestyle, I joined Contours (ladies only gym, anyone joined Contours and have an opinion about them?) and worked out 30-45 minutes a day. I've attempted to change my eating habits, but this is the part when I'm so unsure if I've done it right or not that I couldn't help but ask.

I usually eat 6 times a day ever since I went on the health kick, usually small portions.

For breakfast, I'd have either 250 ml skim milk, protein powder + skim milk or low fat, high calcium yogurt. (+Water)

Three hours later, I'd have a sushi roll. (+Water)

Three hours later, I'd have yogurt again, and possibly some fruits or wholemeal toast. :) (+Water)

Yet again three hours later, I'd have yogurt again. xD (+Water)

And finally and unsurprisingly, three hours later, I'd have chicken caesar salad and/or yogurt/milk. (+ Water)

I realize that there are better alternatives. But, as I'm gradually changing my one-time eating habit to the ones listed above, I'm not sure if I'm heading the right way and is wondering if someone could enlighten me on this. I intend on losing 15 kg overall (right now, I'm 60 kg, and 160 cm tall) Thank you~

Well, Good job you've been losing much weights.. just continue your fitness routine and eating 3 meals a day.. it would be great.. Be aware in dieting, it might cause secondary complications.. :)
Well, Good job you've been losing much weights.. just continue your fitness routine and eating 3 meals a day.. it would be great.. Be aware in dieting, it might cause secondary complications.. :)

You might want to match your advice to the original poster. Just spewing information that you think is 'good' doesn't do much of anything for anyone.
Your diet seems kind of, ummmm..... well, boring.

Sounds like you are surviving on yogurt and milk. I love those two foods.... but eating them almost every single meal would lead to a crash for me, personally.

I'd be looking to add in some fibrous foods such as colorful veggies. I'd also look into adding some good fats, like nuts, avacados, fish, fish oils, flax, peanut butter, etc, etc.

If you really want to analyze what you're currently doing.... throw what you're eating into something like . It's free and it will show you where your diet is weak.
are you keeping track of calories and other nutrients in any sort of program - such as ... it might help to really know where your calories are...

but from what you've posted - you seem really low on fiber - in my mind, an essential element that will keep your insides moving and keep you feeling full...

Contours, i believe ie like Curves... there's a thread here somewhere on it - and it's fine for a 'starter' gym -to give yourself some gym confidence... but long term it's not going to really push you all that hard... but it's a good starting point...

::dangnabbit I hate it when steve is faster than I am.. .darned youth... ::