Sport Need Advice for pre and post workout meal.

Sport Fitness
Im new to working out. Trying to decide which would be a better pre and post workout meal. Im stuck until I go to the grocery store later tonight. Until then, I have Anabolic protein shake (I normally add a banana and raw oats to) and diced chicken breast with mustard, light mayo, onion, parsley, and pepper (on whole wear bread). Which would you recommend I eat pre-workout and which would you recommend for post workout? I don't have any other healthy options until I hit the store after work tonight. Thanks for the advice
Personally - I suggest the shake afterward. More carbs and sugars.
this is pretty late, but it was wise to go with the protein shake after. you want to consume carbs before your workouts, protein after.
For pre work out meal try the following: Banana, oatmeal and yogurt. These are "slow-burning" complex carbs which will boost your energy levels during your workout.

For post work out meal try the following: fish or chicken, egg whites and fruit smoothie. This helps your body to replenish the energy and repair muscle tissue.
If you are looking to make gains of lean muscle mass I rather see you consume a whole meal after training consisting of lean protein, complex and simple carbs. But if you are one of those who must have his shake the best way to go is essential amino acids.

Unlike carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism does not begin in the mouth, it begins in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid along with several enzymes must be present to break down protein. Other things also hinder the absorption rate of protein, such as pH level of the stomach, temperature of the protein, amount of mastication taken place prior to entry into the stomach, there‘s a lot of factors! If there is presence of any digestive inhibitors, then things get even more complicated. Protein absorption occurs in the small intestine where pancreatic enzymes are released to break them down into amino acids.

Post workout, this isn’t what we need.

The whole point of digesting proteins is to get the amino acids that are present in them. Why not just skip that step and make it that much easier to feed our bodies! Go strictly with amino acids and simple sugar (dextrose/maltodextrin) post workout.

Traditionally, the suggested 2:1 carbs/protein ratio is the way to go. However, some great studies have been released showing that the 4:1 ratio of carbs/protein is optimal for speedy absorption. In fact, it’s been noted to absorb almost as fast as water!

The only solution is simply buying Essential Amino Acids (EAA’s) and adding in your own sugar.