Need advice for mix cardio / weight routine.

After having not workedout for 12 years I finally decided to start up again.
At one point I worked out for 1 hour a day, 5 days a week for 2 years, and was in very good condition, work (which is somewhat physical) was taking up more time and a slacked off until I was not working out anymore.

I have already started out by purchasing a Schwinn Airdyne which I have been working on cardio for 1 month now. I ride for 30 minutes, switching arm positon and pedal direction every 5 minutes, at the begining of every 5 minute segment I push hard for the first 20 seconds as hard as I can and then continue at a moderate (not easy) speed. I follow this with 200 crunches and stretching after.

After having not done this for 12 years I am already acheiveing almost ( 95% ) the same distance in 30 minutes I did 12 years ago.

I already have numerous free weights with bars (large and small) and a 4 station ParaBody weight machine which I had years ago when I was doing this.

I would like to know what would be the best routine?

I would like to include 2 days of free weights / weight machine into my 5 days a week routine. I would like to work out Sunday to Thursday having Friday and Saturday off. I would prefer to do cardio (Airdyne) on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday; and weights on Monday and Wednesday.

I can be more flexible on the times and days if it will be more effective.

If I do weights on Mondays and Wednesdays what muscle groups should I do on each day? which exercises? how many reps? and how many sets?

I am 6' 5" tall and weigh 280 right now, my legs, arms, and chest are pretty solid with very little fat, most of my fat is carried in my gut area.

I would like to build some muscle with overall fitnes as my main goal (70% fitness and 30% building muscle)

I have a physical job which has probably kept my strength and muscle mass up over the last 12 years without weights but I know I need some cardio.

I have been out of working out for so long I don't know what routines are currently the correct schedule and format as I know they may have changed.

At the peak of my weight training 12 years ago I weighed 305 and had a waist 6 inches smalled than now.

I am not the type that is not willing to push myself, I know that to get results I have to push and push hard. I have not gotten there yet but when I did this before I enjoyed the feeling of my muscles burning when I hit that point. I know this sounds silly but it is true.

I would appreciate any suggestions on a format, routine, schedule to follow.

The only thing I would like is for it to only be 5 days a week and no more than 1 hour a day.

Any input will be appreciated.

These are the 6 muscle goups I was wanting to build the most and here is what I was thinking:

30 minute cardio


30 minutes cardio


30 minute cardio

let me know of any modificatons you would make to arrangement or schedule. and what exercises / reps / sets you would recommend.

I'd recommend either doing fullbody strength training Monday and Wednesday or changing your general plan and doing an uppler/lower split Sun/Mon/Wed/Thur. Your resistance training should be focused around squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, pull ups/downs and rows. Hundreds of crunches will not be as beneficial as this. Half and hour of resistance training followed by half an hour cardio would be more useful.

Something simple would be:

Squats 3x8, 1-2min rest between sets.
Bridges (30-60sec) superset w/ Calf Raise 3x8, 30sec rest between exercises.

Bench Press superset w/ Lat Pull Down (if it's available on your 4station thing) 3x8/3x8, rest 30sec between exercises.
Lying Triceps Extension superset w/ Barbell Curl 3x8/3x8, rest 30sec between exercises.


Deadlifts 3x8, 1-2min rest between sets.
Traveling Lunges superset w/ Calf Raises 3x8/3x8, rest 30sec between exercises.

Overhead Press superset w/ One-Arms Rows 3x8/3x8, rest 30sec between exercises.
Lying Triceps Extension superset w/ Barbell Curl 3x12/3x12 (use weight 10% lighter than Mon), rest 30sec between exercises.
