Need advice after weight loss

Hi there,

I am 18 years old, male, 6"1 and 175 lbs.

My starting weight was 271 lbs, I lost 96 lbs in 10 months. I have a proper, balanced diet, I count my calories and I do cardio 3 times a week.
About 8 months ago I started weight training at home, also 3 times a week, but I only have some dumbbells (max 10 lbs), and I lift 12-15 reps. I feel I did everything properly, but I look chubby. I became too skinny, I am not muscular, but still has "love handles" and some soft stomach fat. This wasn't my plan, I would like to have a muscular, bulky phisique.

I don't know if I should countine with a calorie deficit and try to loose my stomach fat despite I'm already skinny.

I think it would be better to hit the gym, make a calorie surplus and lift heavily. Than I could lost my remaining fat in a cutting period.

Thanks for any help!
Sounds like you've kind of got it figured out. I suspect you're not so much fat as, like you said, flabby. I bet if you raise your calories and work on building muscle, you'll find your body reshaping.

If you've been lifting the same 10-20 lbs for the same set of reps for 3 months, you're definitely not going to be making any progress, so I think that's where some of your disappointment is coming from. I started out as a complete girly wimp ( :D ) and I progressed past 10 lb dumbbells within a couple of workouts. I can't imagine that going back to them would make any difference in my strength or body shape.

I think getting serious about lifting and finding a plan will make a world of difference for you.
Thanks for your reply! :)

Yeah, those 10-20 lbs wasn't heavy enough but I did a lot of reps and I thought it would be enough to prevent muscle loss.

Now I have to find a good workout plan. I heard that "beginners" should start with a full body routine and than move to a body part split routine.

I would like to achive muscle hypertrophy, do you think this workout plan is good for me?

3 times a week:
Bench Presses
Bent-Over Rows
Overhead Barbell Presses
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Barbell Curls
Calf Raises
I'm absolutely not the expert in this area .. maybe Steve will chime in here, since this is his forte.

I will say that I just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program () and so far it seems to be going well for me. I did some of the workouts in the New Rules of Lifting plan and I really like those as well, but the gym I go to is not set up to make supersetting easy, so I wound up needing a more straightforward plan.