need a work out routine


New member
Ok so I just started going to the gym again monday but I was so lost and couldn't get a good flow going to keep my busy. Needless to say I got kind of bored after about 20 or 30 minutes and ended up leaving after doing squats on a seated squat machine, bench press on a seated bench (front press) machine and some curls.

If anyone could lend me a helping and I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not looking to be HUGE as I am a bowler and a golfer and I really don't want the exercise to effect my game unless of course it helps my game. I'm not looking for great big massive muscles just looking to lose the fat and tone the muscles. I'm not much on treadmills but I did used to cycle a lot so that could be an option.

I'm just looking for anything that could keep me busy for about an hour or so that would help me burn fat and tone up my muscles.

Thanks everyone

Toning muscles is a function of fat loss... so you're really looking to do the same thing... I believe the only way you will 'get huge' is if you have a calorie surplus... so you probably won't be in much danger of that if you're watching your diet.

tonymclellan, one of the resident experts, has suggested the book The New Rules of Lifting, a few times around here (i can't remember who wrote it and Idon't have the energy to open my backpack) that's gives a lot of helpful info and some what l ook to be good workouts (I could be wrong - looking for the perfect book is my quest for the holy grail)

Cardio, I believe is important for fat loss, but rather tahn sustained cardio, you want to work on interval type training or HIIT training (youll find a few threads on that here) where you are changing up speeds and making yourself work a little harder. the lovely Steve's diary also has a ton of helpful info (in between all the chatter)

good luck