Need a kick in the butt to get back on track.

I've been doing good with my diet, but I'm starting to falter on my exercise. Please, give me a little push to get me going. And what does everyone else do when they start to slide?
I'm the opposite. I actually feel guilty when I don't go to the gym. I feel as though I've let my body down. That's the worst feeling in the world for me.

You're probably sliding because you're bored. Try to keep your workouts interesting. Your workouts might not be piquiing your interest anymore. Do something completely different for awhile or add something new to your exercise regimen.

Keep reminding yourself of your goals and what you have to do to attain those goals. Not going to the gym isn't in your best interests.

Once you've attained one goal, set another one. That will give you a reason to keep going to the gym ;)
And what does everyone else do when they start to slide?

I think how badly I'll do at my next triathlon in front of 1000+ competitors, family and friends, not to mention having to report my dismal failure on my journal, and that keeps me motivated...
like G8r was eluding to....

for me I found soem time ago that being registered for an event, any event... whether it is a simple picnic series 4 mile obstacle course, or a 140.6 Ironman event, any event,,,,

if I am registered for an event, my regimen is energized, and it drives me thru day after day of forward athletic progress.


and you are worth it!
Most times when I start sliding is because I get bored.

Change your approach a little, workout outside instead of the gym or play a sport you've always wanted to try or take a few days off and relax. You can also get a partner, listen to music while working out, change your workout routine, talk about it with a friend...just change your approach and make it more interesting or new.
