Neck/Head Pain

I just recently started getting a pain in the left side of my upper neck area when I lift weights. It appears when I do a couple of reps with a heavy weight and even if I do a lot of reps with a lower weight. I am not straining to lift when it appears. It hurts really badly sometimes and not so badly other times. If I work through it, it usually goes away after a few minutes. The pain shows up every time I work out.

Any ideas?
proper warm up?
I dont really warm up that often but I do stretch... Today I think was the first day that I didnt have the pain... It usually comes on chest day... I start getting the pain after about 6 reps of 80 lb dumbells or 10 reps of of 70 lb dumbells... Just to give you an idea of the strain factor, I can put up the 95's quite a few times without assistence... I have even tried less weight, more reps, and the pain still shows up... I have been working out for years and it just happened one day out of the blue...