Well I am Anthony "Hogswoggle" McClellan according to this. Check it out:
tonymcclellan 2 May 10, 2008 #1 Well I am Anthony "Hogswoggle" McClellan according to this. Check it out:
S SKMMAN 0 May 10, 2008 #2 lol mine said "MARGARINE" when i wrote SKM(first name) MAN(last name) on there it said "THE ANGUS" Is "THE ANGUS" a name of a burger?
lol mine said "MARGARINE" when i wrote SKM(first name) MAN(last name) on there it said "THE ANGUS" Is "THE ANGUS" a name of a burger?
tonymcclellan 2 May 11, 2008 #6 Phate89 said: If you keep refreshing the website it gives you a different nickname. Click to expand... Cant get anything by you. But the purpose is to just type in yours and see what it says the first time.
Phate89 said: If you keep refreshing the website it gives you a different nickname. Click to expand... Cant get anything by you. But the purpose is to just type in yours and see what it says the first time.