
My friend used to use N02. It seemed GREAT! But was very pricey. He gained nearly 20 pounds of muscle in just a few weeks. I was amazed, because he used to have a small gut to him, after the few weeks, it was GONE!

Over these few weeks, you could see a major difference, all the time. And now, almost 3 months after he stopped using it - he's still massive.

He went from 160-180 pounds.

I would work out with him after school, normally he was just a little bit ahead of me, for what he could lift. He naturally gains muscle faster than me, but not by a lot. I noticed he could lift nearly double after he started using it!

Has anyone else seen the effects? I'm thinking about buying some, once I get my part time job.
K bud check this

then make your decision.

Im assuming your friend only used n02 for about a month. I increased 10 pounds on my bench max in a week or so after using it but eventually I think my body got use to it. I recommend trying it first. If it works, then try it again. Once it stops working, stop wasting your money and stop buying it. Wait i'd say a month before using it again.

Also, out of any n02 products i HIGHLYsuggest this one --> stacked with either CE2 Creatine or Whey Protein (Post-workout).

loads is trying to say his friend gained 20lbs of lean mass, not that his poundage on lifts went up.

NO products don't increase strength or lean muscle gains. The ONLY way I see a person gaining 20lbs of anything in a few weeks is via steroid use.

I think your friend isn't telling you the whole story.
Yeah ummm... look at the ingredients of NO2.. It'll give you a great pump... strength gains are marginal and could be attributed to natural increase in strength... You might as well take creatine and caffeine or something..
20lbs of pure muscle just from that product is comical to say the least.