N.O. question (specifically Nitrix).

I've been thinking about trying a nitric oxide supplement. I'm not expecting it to change everything or make me extra powerful, I'd just like to try it. All of the noise it's been making is making me more and more curious by the day. So I have a few questions about it:

1. How good is it?
2. What kind of changes does it bring?
3. Is it dangerous (health riskwise)?
4. Is it worth the dollar value?

Now, my final question is about a certain claim that bodybuilding.com made about the "benefits" of Nitrix, a N.O. product. It says this about Nitrix: "You should now be experiencing rock hard, full body pumps that last all day long"
Read under week 3: Bodybuilding.com - BSN Nitrix - Enhances Size! On sale now!
To be honest, I don't want to feel the pump I feel after I go to the gym for 24 hrs a day. Does it really do this, or is it an overexagguration? More info would help.

Keep in mind, I would only like to give it a try; experiment if you will.
1. 'good' is a relative term. I would say there is almost zero 'good' in NO2 products.
2. it makes your muscles bloat up with blood, just like you'd been lifting. thus its a 'fake pump'.
3. no, its just a form of L-arginine which is already in 90% of the meat based protein you eat.
4. F**K NO!

I bought a $5 bottle of pure L-arginine and got the same pump taking 1.5g twice a day, the second dose 30 mins before training.
I got a harder pump, and frankly a harder erection.

a true NO2 product will do a slightly more efficient job than raw L-arginine...but you're still getting NO training benefits. its really just an ego supplement.

and unless you take it every 2-3 hours the effect does NOT last 'all day long' like they claim.

if you really still wanna try it, go hang out at a GNC and waffle on the fence about an NO2 supplement they have, then ask if they have any samples or something you could try first. The GNC's here usually have an open bottle they'll give you a few days supply to try out.

it'll do its thing on the first use...doesn't have to build up in your system to work.

It's really that bad? I guess there's no point in buying it if doesn't give real results. I might try it though.
It's really that bad? I guess there's no point in buying it if doesn't give real results. I might try it though.

It might work if you pop a dose, do some bb curls, and then walk by the girls dorm in a sleeveless shirt.

That's how Mreik bags all his babes. That and he slings teh pharmaceutical lingo.
Bloated biceps and harder erections, sounds like a primo product. Why are you bashing this stuff!?