Sport Myoplex vs Protein powder and fruit

Sport Fitness
I bought some EAS Myoplex shakes that I use for a convenience meal. I mix one up and drink 1/2 of it 1 hour before my workout and then the rest right after my workout. It works as my lunch and post workout meal at the same time. Breakfast is usually egg whites and oatmeal or fruit. For my snack and dinner I get real food too. The shake is only 1 per day.
My question is can I make my own. EAS Myoplex Deluxe is expensive. Would I be better off buying some whey and soy protein and throwing a bananna in one day or a couple of straberries the next or peaches and blend them up. Would that be about the same and a little cheaper. $80-$120 per box of myoplex is pretty expensive.
Thanks guys in advance. I know that I have lots of questions but I am a newby and that is what this place is for.
Yes, you can get whey protein and throw in a piece of fruit.

Keep in mind though, that it isn't near as filling as a meal replacement protein shake, which is an issue if you are using it as an actual meal. Some people seem to think so, but the regular protein (OptNut choc) is about the same as drinking a glass of chocolate milk for me. I don't know about you, but a banana and a glass of choc milk doesn't fill me up, protein or not.

You could add in some oats and/or peanut butter with it. However, depending on your calorie goals, you might not be able to fit in milk/protein/fruit/peanutbutter/oats quite as easily as a shake/milk.
Oh, and Optimum Nutrition is just my personal preference.

They do make a meal replacement protein shake that is cheaper than MyoPlex. I prefer the taste of the MyoPlex shakes to the O.N. meal shakes, but hey, they Myo is pretty high, and the O.N. ones aren't that bad (I have choc, and I add a dash of cinnamon to it).