My Workout Plan (Opinions, Ideas, Suggestions?)

Right, my names nath from uk and I have been doing weight lifting for about 43 weeks, learning as I go onling reading websites, forums; etc. Heres my workout plan, can people give me opinions on this plan and any ideas or suggestions that could improve the effectiveness of my weekly workouts. Now All the exercises here are freeweights, as i workout at home (plus there better because they build stablising muscles too). Though I do go to gym on some machines once a week or so usually one of the same days as on my plan. I always try to reach my daily protein intake, by drinking 3 times a day whey and egg shakes, as well as eating protein rich meals like steak and meat sandwiches etc. I have made progress by what friends etc tell me and I know as well, tho when u see urself u never think u have grown when u have; I just wanna know if this workout if getting the max growth out of me that it can.

The Plan: Sudell’s WorkOut Regime

[mon=1st| wed=3rd| fri=1st| sun=2nd]

Ratio = flats/incline/flats/incline/Declines

Primary Workout (1st)

4 sets 10/10/10/10 Bar Press 90 kg OR Dumbell Press 62 kg

3 sets 10/10/10 Pullovers 30 kg both arms

3 sets 10/10/10 Chest Flys 18.5 kg/arm

5 sets 10/10/5/5/10 Bicep Exercises (Rotate Order)

1 x 10 Dumbell Bicep Curls 21 kg/arms
1 x 10 Hammer Curls 21 kg/arms
2 x 5 Barbell Curls 45 kg
1 x 10 Dumbell Bicep Curls 21 kg/arms

Secondary Workout (2nd)

3 sets 10/10/10 Dumbell Deadlifts 62 kg both arms

3 sets 10/10/10 Dumbell Shoulder Press 42 kg both arms

3 sets 10/10/10 Lateral Raise 10 kg/arm

3 sets 10/10/10 Barbell Rows 56kg both arms

Tertiary Workout (3rd)

4 sets 10/10/10/10 Dumbell Calf Raises 31kg/arm

3 sets 10/10/10 Wide Grip Bar 61 kg

3 sets 10/10/10 Close Grip Bar 51 kg

3 sets 10/10/10 Chest Flys 18.5 kg/arm

3 sets 10/10/10 Single Arm Row 30 kg/arm

3 sets 10/10/10 Inclined Bicep Curls 16 kg OR Conc Curls 21kg

I didnt read all of your plan but heres my comments:

The weight yu lift is unimportant. As long as it is a weight which you can use perfect form and that challenges you muscles that is fine. Do not try to compete with others for maximum lift.

Form is crucial - do not sacrifice it for anything. If you are unsure about the perfect form for any profesional guidance.

You didnt state your goal, but if it is to gain mass, I would go for 6-8 reps instead of 10.

good luck
I know about my form, its correct. The weights there are just right for me, I still continue to do 10 reps tho cos this is still within the mass gain limits. 12 and above is toning tho with the weight i do i cant do that many anyway.
It appears that you are not training your triceps. Technically they are getting a workout with the bench press or bar press as you titled it, but I would add in 5 sets of tricep work. Possibly more. Balance out the # of sets/reps of bicep work with tricep work as they are larger than the biceps brachii.

-- Addition:

Just noticed the close grip bar press which focuses more heavily on the triceps, but still only 3 sets. Could use some correction. Hope this helps!
Well, the reason I aint heavily training my triceps is that theres no need to, to an extent. I did do close grip bench presses just before my "regular hold" bench press. But I found that the close grips when on the same days as my main bench press;etc workout, over worked my triceps during the workout and made me work less harder throughout the rest of it.

Also I read that there are different types of anatomys when doing say bicep curls etc, well my anatomy is nuturally mesomorph, but this is not what i mean. I mean that when you do say a bicep curl even tho ur trying to isolate ur biceps my anatomy makes my triceps take more of the force. When you are one of these types of anatomy arm wise its alittle harder to give ur biceps a good workout. Inclined curls do help to isolate my biceps but my triceps still get heavily worked. In all my exercisesm, thus this is the reason I dont really do direct tricep workouts because my current workout regime fulfils thier requirements. Hope you understand. I will however try and up my close grip sets on the wednesday on my tertairy workout. Thx for ur reply :)
If I perform a biceps curl, my triceps do nothing-- The only thing I can think of is if when doing a DB Curl, standing, you raise the elbow along with your forearm so that you bring your entire arm up and away from the body. When I do curls, I bend only at the elbow and move my forearm, my upper arms stay stationary. But that's just me. Good luck!
yer I know not to lift my elbow more then a inch or two when doing the bicep curl. Its simply as I said, my arm structure is different, my stablishing muscles along with my tricep muscles simply seem to want to reduce the stress on the bicep. The only way I can get round this is by using the preacher curl machine. But I cant just use that, and anyway even tho my tri does take some of the force my biceps are still developing so I shudnt worry really.