My workout, critique, help

I just recently got involved in a local gym, anytime fitness, and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm 26 years old, 6'0 and at about 230 lbs. I'm not obese necessarily, but I'm thick. Always have been. My thighs and calves are very large and muscular, maybe due to a lot of walking/biking I did as a teenager I'm not sure. Anyways, I threw together a weekly ABA BAB routine, and want to get some advice and help on ways I can improve it. I'm doing whey protein after my workout days, and I'm refining my diet to include more meats, rice, beans, veggies and fruits. All I drink is water (a lot usually) because my work environment is hot and physical.

Monday (A Day)

Bench (dumbbells)
Triceps (dumbbells)
Rows (dumbbells)
Calf raises

3 sets of 6 to 10 on each with 2 minute rests between sets

Tuesday Off

Wed (B Day)

Deadlifts (can you do dumbbell deadlifts?)
Lat Pull downs (can't do a pull up yet)
Overhead shoulder press
Hammer curls (due to rotational limitation in my right arm, and I want symmetry) (will post a video later on today and link to it in this post about the rotational issue)

3 sets of 6 to 10 on each with 2 minute rests between sets

Thursday Off

Friday (A day)

Sat/sun Off

Then the next week would be a BAB week instead of an ABA week.

I'm doing dumbbells due to body symmetry and a concern of mine with my right arm. I can normally feel my left doing more of the work on bar, ez bar, or barbell exercises, so I'm opting for dumbbells.
Here is the link to the video
Seems pretty basic, which is good, I love basic, but ultimately, you're going to be able to move more weight with a barbell. I recommend you get on a Bill Starr 5x5 program and stick to the progression scheme. I got onto a "home made" workout for a while and swayed so far from the big lifts that I wasn't even tracking my deads/squats/bench anymore. I went back to 5x5 and was weaker than I was before. There's a reason those workouts are so popular. Results.

I would use one of those, start at a sensible weight and progress 5lbs a week. Then you know what you're doing and how far you've come. It's a great feeling at the end of every month knowing that you went up 20lbs in 4 weeks.
Your program looks good, although given what you've shown regarding your elbow in the video, I wonder if you should be modifying the exercises. For example, deadlifting heavy weights with bent arms increases the risk of a bicep tear, so you might be better off learning goodmornings (where the bar is on your back like in a squat, but you pivot at the hips like a Romanian deadlift), weighted hyperextensions, or even just leg curls. With any of those variations, you could then also afford to squat every session, followed up with GMs/hypers/leg curls afterwards. Your choice of hammer curls, based on your injury, seems fitting. Use the range of motion that you've got, train safe, and you'll be on the right track.
I appreciate the feedback. I will look into those workouts and exercise methods and check back in in the next month or so. I am curious as to how my right arm will progress in development.