My workout...comments plz

Hi I just started to get myself back in shape again. im 18 and currently weigh 165lbs..i started 2months ago and i think i was 176-180lbs back then i run about 1.5 miles everyday. What im wondering is how long should i run to start wearing off the fat in my belly :confused: i can see changes else where in my body but my belly isnt really getting to where i want it to be yet. im going to try doing the HIIT thing hopefully that will give me great results. I think i lost weight not really because of my running but because of my diet i only eat like a fruit or a muffin the whole day and then i eat a regular dinner. i dont eat a lot of carbs anymore which i know did a lot of difference. i eat rice everyday before. haha. could someone give me any advice to improve my running? I really want my abs back:cool: my friend told me to lose the fat first then start working out so thats what im doing..
Wow man, you really need to workout your nutrition. You are STARVING yourself. Sure, you are going to lose weight but that is not ideal. Ideally you lose fat and maintain as much muscle mass as possible. What you are doing now is going to lead to a very inefficient metabolism, if it has not already.

This is really important first.

Then you can start worrying about your workouts. Where is your weight training? Also, I would use 2 sessions of HIIT per week and drop the steady state cardio for now, while you are trying to cut down. But again, none of this matters until you work out your nutrition.

S T A R V I N G!
yeah i knew it was something like that but then i dont get hungry anyway i dont know why. im prolly gnna add like a sandwhich for my lunch..
I mean, you are so way off now that it would not make sense for me to tell you that you need to start eating 6 meals per day. That is my belief. Some here think otherwise. However, small meals throughout the day in my opinion, help keep your metabolism busy all day as well as control your insulin levels.

Read around a bit to familiarize yourself with nutrition. Check out Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D.
hmm..ok i'll eat more. prolly something like breakfast, lunch, dinner, and some fruit in between. but yeah, do i keep my cardio steady?
I would do 2-3 sessions of HIIT per week until you reach your fat loss goals. Where is your weight training? How long have you been starving yourself?
hmm i think ive been like this for like 2weeks now. but on weekends i eat alot cuz i tend to eat out with my friends. i did some reading on this site and i think im gnna change my diet to something like this:

breakfast:cereal or muffin and a glass of milk
lunch:sandwhich with fruits
workout for about 1-2hrs
dinner: definitely some vegies and steak or sausages any high protien stuff

i really have no knowledge in eating right thats y i go here to get back on the right track. i might have lost all that weight but your right its not the right way and i thought i felt good about myself for losing that much. if i eat more would i still be losing weight tho? 5"7 @ 165 right now. i want it to be at 160 i guess just to chop off my midsection. as for carbs, im going to start eating rice again. haha. tnx for telling me all these things atleast i could start to make it better today.
First, starving the fat off is never better than burning it off. If you created in inefficiencies in your metabolism b/c of the starvation you underwent, you may gain some weight while you start eating more. It is a short-term problem though that will result in a long-term solution.

Second, the diet still stinks. How old are you? Sorry if you said above. I take it you are a male? You should be getting some protein in at every meal possible.
ok il add alot protein to my diet. i'll go buy those protein bars and make them as my snack. im 18 by the way. so basically protein is a must for building muslces, right? thanks for your help il keep myself updated in here. i just dont want to eat alot beacuse im scared it might make me big again. but i guess if i eat alot and just workout it wouldnt really hurt because i would prolly gain muscles instead of fat..i dont know im a complete newbie at this sorry.
You have to pick a goal and stick with it. If you are most concerned with losing body fat right now, you have to be in a caloric deficit. That means you must know how many calories you need to eat to maintain, and you also need to know how many calories you need to eat to create a deficit. You were eating in a caloric deficit for sure with the original diet you posted, but created a deficit that large works against yourself. It invokes the starvation response mechanism which is a very real phenomanon that prevents your body from starving to death.

I recommend eat 12-13 calories per pound of body weight throughout the day for fat loss. You want to space these calories up as equally as possible throughout the day. So, for example, if your calories required to lose weight was 2000, divide that number by the number of meals you are going to shoot for each day. Hopefully 5 or 6. Each of these meals should have some lean protein, complex slow digesting carbs, good fats, fruits and veggies.

To gain muscle, you must be in a caloric surplus. I believe a nutrition sticky was recently created which highlights how to go about starting an eating regiment.

Also, I would stay away from the protein bars which most are loaded with bad sugars and resort to a whey protein powder to mix in water or milk.
take a peek at my fitday food log:

you need more food, more than just a sammich and an apple.

protein powder isn't 'necessary' at all, but it make life easier (and cheaper) to get some of your protein in this convenient form. I'm not sure I could eat 300g of protein from meat, chicken, fish and eggs in a day, so I drink about 100g of it, and it helps.
alright thanks for the adivce guys. i just went to the gym for an hour and tried that HIIT thing and i got a really good sweat out of it.

Il definitely watch my diet and follow what you recomended. Im probably going to lose some weight first until like mid november or until i see my midsection to where i want it to be. after that im going to start lifting.

btw, even though i want to lose weight is it ok if i do some lifting on the sides as well? will that make my weight loss slower?