My weight loss journey, easy


New member
Hey all. 8 Months ago i joined a free weight loss program and lost between 11-14 pounds a month steadily. Ppl in the program have lost even more than that without working out, but I personally did start going to the gym a lot when i started program. Anyway if anyone wants me to email or PM them a copy of the food plan you will lose weight like a champ whether u work out or don't. Stick to the plan - lose weight. Ill post a couple before and after pics of me.

I just want to help others do what I never ever thought I could!

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It is better to post here what you want to share...

Encouraging strangers (and since this is your first posting - everyone is a stranger) to email or PM you looks very like spam and is against the forum rules...
Simply type out the food plan and exercise schedule.

Surely you were not planning on promoting a product via email....
No im not promoting anything at all. Here is the food plan if anyone has any further questions just ask.
The main focus of this program is to abstain completely from all flour and refined sugar. You need a scale (preferably digital) to measure your meals.
Dont think about the long run just concentrate on one day at a time. Follow this plan, guaranteed results :)

____Breakfast____ *only use 6oz fruit when its berries, pineapple, etc. Whole fruits you only have 1 and don't need to measure*
(no later than 930am)
Either (normal plain oatmeal)
1oz oatmeal, 6oz fruit (or 1 banana, 1 apple) 8oz Nonfat milk
or *use splenda*
1oz oatmeal, 8oz plain non-fat yogurt, 6oz fruit (or 1 banana, 1 apple)

____Lunch____ (4-5 hours after breakfast)

4oz protein(if your a woman) 6oz protein (if your a man)(fish, steak, porkchops, chicken, tuna, basically any meat),
6oz fruit (or 1 banana or 1 apple)
6oz vegetables

____Dinner____ (4-5 hours after lunch)
4oz protein (if your a woman) 6oz protein (if your a man),
6oz salad (if your a woman), 8oz salad (if man) (weigh it down with thinks you like ((cucumbers tomatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, olives, avocado, etc)))
6oz vegetables

___for lunch + dinner you can substitute your protein for either 2 eggs, or 2oz cheese(if woman) 3oz cheese (if man)___

Nothing in-between meals
except tea or coffee or an occasional diet soda

**Use splenda on anything you want to be sweet. (tea, coffee, oatmeal, etc)
I would like to ask if you haven't eaten any sweet or ice cream and for how long? I think that the program you propose it's ok with food but what about any kind of sweets when someone wants to eat some? I find difficult to avoid completely chocolate or ice sreams or some kind of sweet during the day.