Sport my weekly diet, please check...

Sport Fitness
starting my healthy eating diet can you check my weekly food intake thanks....

breakfast monday-oatmeal,sliced apple,oj
tuesday-wholemeal toast,scrambled egg,milk
wednesday-oatmeal,sliced banana, cinnamon, oj
thursday-cheese on toast beans, milk
friday-oatmeal,sliced apple, oj
saturday-oatmeal, sliced banana, cinnamon, oj
sunday-toast,scrambled egg,milk

lunch monday- tuna sandwich, yogurt
tuesday- cheese/pickle, veg sticks
wednesday-tuna pasta with veg
thursday-chicken sandwich, oj
friday-peanut butter and banana wrap
saturday- 2 wraps, chicken curry
sunday- peanut butter and raisen wrap,

dinner monday-chicken breast, peas, new potatoes
tuesday-peanut butter and banana wrap
wednesday-egg fried rice, prawns, cheese
thursday-egg mayosandwich, low fat jelly
friday- chicken breast,peas,new potatoes
saturday- tuna + sweetcorn with mixed veg
SUNDAY- pizza slice, handful of fries, glass of coke(cheat meal)

will have 3 snacks per day of either handful of nuts, fruit salad, smoothies, fresh fruit

all sandwiches are made from wholemeal seeded bread

will be drinking plenty of water. also will be having 2 protien shakes per day after training

a little info on me.... 28,male,166lbs, bodyfat 30%. i am looking to lose junk food belly and to tone up and add muscle. i am also doing cardio 3km runs per day, 3 full body workouts a week, also some hitt on my days of from full body workouts

thanks in advance
that's the ****tiest diet I've seen since viewing Supersize Me.

Spend some time reading this site. you'll soon realize that your 'healthy' diet is loaded with carbs (namely simple sugars) and no where near enough protein to be productive.

first thing I would do is ditch ALL the juice you seem to think is good for you, and all that damn bread. Bread, no matter how 'seeded' it is, is still a processed carbohydrate.
that's the ****tiest diet I've seen since viewing Supersize Me.

Spend some time reading this site. you'll soon realize that your 'healthy' diet is loaded with carbs (namely simple sugars) and no where near enough protein to be productive.

first thing I would do is ditch ALL the juice you seem to think is good for you, and all that damn bread. Bread, no matter how 'seeded' it is, is still a processed carbohydrate.

Come on man that diet isn't THAT bad! I think your being far too harsh on him.

To monkman: I think your diet is fine, just make sure to keep your calorie intake each day at a defecit to your needs and you'll lose fat.
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that's the ****tiest diet I've seen since viewing Supersize Me.

Spend some time reading this site. you'll soon realize that your 'healthy' diet is loaded with carbs (namely simple sugars) and no where near enough protein to be productive.

first thing I would do is ditch ALL the juice you seem to think is good for you, and all that damn bread. Bread, no matter how 'seeded' it is, is still a processed carbohydrate.

Its not a perfect diet or close to it. But to say its the worst since super size me? We see worse then this almost everyday. Remember the Vitamin diet lady?
thanks for the replies...

i have been going through the forum and i have been checking up on different foods. i cant understand why this diet is so bad? fresh oj is bad for you? if i make fruit smoothies they are bad? eating chicken with veg? was the first rep,y serious? will i have to scrapthis diet and start again?? or do i need to change a few things on it? any advice would be helpful. what other foods could i eat to get more protien? i like chicken, tuna, not too keen on eggs.

and i thought i did my homework and came up with a half decent diet...
if your BF is 30% im guessing you used to have a fairly large diet of bad foods? workout your bmr and take about 500 calories of it to workout a calorie deficit and then fill your diet with good foods e.g. breakfast - oatmeal, eggs, wholewheat bread. Lunch and dinner- Chicken breast, turkey breast, prawns, salmon, brown rice, sweet potato's, lots of vegetables (broccoli, spinach, carrots, green beans..etc). Snacks - nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachio's..etc), avocado's, fat free yoghurt, fruits (apples, oranges, berries) and for post workout have a simple protein shake e.g. 1 scoop whey, ice and water. drink water throughout the day! also dont workout everyday, give your muscles rest! workout 4/5 days a week. And if your 30%BF i wouldnt adivse a cheat meal but if it stops you from binging then go ahead, its like taking 4 steps forward and one back. good luck.