My username says it all :p


I'm a woman in my 30ies. I used to be fit. I used to help other people get in shape.

Then something happened to me, and I got PTSD and ended up not moving for years. The last 12 months I have gained 30 lbs and probalby lost as much in muscle mass over the last years, too, so I'm not going to check my fat percentage at this point. :D

I feel horrible, mostly because I cannot even go for a walk without feeling how out of shape I am. The extra weight and the loss of fitness combined over so little time, makes me feel like an old person. I want to try and regain agility and feel strong and alive again. I want to feel like I want to move, and not just like I want to sit on the sofa. I want to live again!

I forgive myself for this loss of care for myself, because of what I have been through. But seriously, it's not getting better if I'm totally out of shape in addition. I hope I can get my health back! Both of mind and body.

And that's why I'm here, looking for inspiration! Hope you can help me find it! :D
