My Unexpected HIIT workout RESULTS!!!!

Well I have been doing HIIT for maybe about 2 weeks now. I am 26 yrs old, female, mother of two, I had baby weight to lose. I gained 60lbs from pregnancy, and lost about 10lbs after two months of delivery, then another 15lbs just from time, exercise or changing my diet, and that was about a year and a half ago....

I finally told myself I had to do something. It hit me when I saw my self in photographs and on camera. I never looked at myself as being chubby, until that moment. For some reason I saw myself as average, not skinny but not fat either. Boy was I wrong. I weighed 138lbs two weeks ago before starting HIIT. Im only 5ft 1, so Im pretty chubby for my height.

I discovered HIIT a few weeks ago. The first week I didnt lose any weight. I even asked myself, does this really work? Am I doing this wrong?:(So I started posting questions to different HIIT forums, and this is the only forum that I actually got replies from so this is by far the best forum ever when HIITing. I did what I learned. I went as fast as I could on the eliptical for about 30-35 seconds, then I slowed down until my heart rate went down enough. If you read my posts, it took about 2 minutes to get it down enough to go fast again. I HIIT 4 days a week, for 20 minutes not including the 5 minute warm up and cool down.

The gym I go to has a womans area, and I can honestly tell you that the woman there look at me like Im a crazy woman with my HIIT routine. Of course they dont understand what the heck I am doing so they are probably telling eachother or thinking to themselves that I am not working the right way and that Im not going to lose weight like I plan.

Well, I weighed myself a week ago, and like I said, I didnt lose any weight. Then today, I weighed myself and I am 5lbs lighter!!!! And the best thing about HIIT is IT CURBS MY CRAVINGS LIKE PEOPLE HAVE SAID. I read somewhere online from a few people that it curbs your appetite so you dont tend to eat large meals, or snack all day. I use to eat anywhere from 1800 to 2400 calories a day. Unhealthy calories too! NOw I eat 1350-1600 calories of healthy calories, and a little unhealthy such as barbique ribs, fried chicken, and ice cream...cake . I dont deprive myself because HIIT works!!!!! I am not saying that I only eat junk, but I dont cut it out completely. ITs only been two freakin weeks and my body has changed this much!!!

You may be thinking, oh i lost water weight or something like I probably ate before I worked out last week when I weighed myself, but nope! I dont eat before I do my HIIT routine, I dont get sick, and I drink a whole lot of water before, , and right after HIIT. Infact, i drink more water now then when I started HIIT so its not water weight that I lost.

so for those of you woman out there who have a hard time losing weight, HIIT is the real deal!!!! Tell all your friends! I told my mother, but she just thinks its some new weightloss gimic. So does my bff who would rather listen to her trainer than me...which Is understandable because I am no certified trainer, but I am a HIITer, and I know now that it truly works. 2 weeks! what does anyone have to lose but fat?!!!!
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Well I have been doing HIIT for maybe about 2 weeks now.

Do you think you could ' edit ' your post to a normal font size and black color font - it'd be much easier to read and reply to.

Thanks !:)
One thing i do because i have a very sweet tooth is to eat junk food on Saturdays, it helps me keep focus on my diet and i know that i have something to look forward every week. Well done so far, keep it up!
yeah, sweets on weekends for me....

sorry for my big font, I thought it would look nicer, but changed it so sorry for that.

I focus on my healthy eating all week until the weekend, I have one or two things like a cup of ice cream or a small piece of bread pudding which I love so much. But i dont eat sweets all the time like that, I sometimes eat some fried chicken, a piece only or half a medium fries that I share with my son. Or when I really crave a mcdonald cheese burger, I eat half of one and im pretty satisfied. Dieting is pretty easy when you dont have to cut everything out completely. I just dont eat our everyday like I use to anymore. Thanks guys for your posts!!!!!
sorry for my big font, I thought it would look nicer, but changed it so sorry for that.

I focus on my healthy eating all week until the weekend, I have one or two things like a cup of ice cream or a small piece of bread pudding which I love so much. But i dont eat sweets all the time like that, I sometimes eat some fried chicken, a piece only or half a medium fries that I share with my son. Or when I really crave a mcdonald cheese burger, I eat half of one and im pretty satisfied. Dieting is pretty easy when you dont have to cut everything out completely. I just dont eat our everyday like I use to anymore. Thanks guys for your posts!!!!!

Now that's what i call "being in control". Well done, keep it up, you are doing really really well.
This post is very exciting!! And inspirational too! Congrats... (I know this post is old, but it has been helpful to me.)

It would be very interesting to see how your results are NOW, several months later. If you check this again, please share updated info! :)
Great Job Valerie ! :)

Taking the decision to start exercise yourself is the most important step.

Now, HIIT is an excellent exercise, that said. It takes your HR to its maximum. However i suggest you not to do HIIT .HIIT is better for muscle definition and for persons who want to loose huge amount of weight . If your goal is to lose those extra pounds from pregnancy, a moderate interval workout fits you better .

For example :

On the treadmill

- Do a 2 mins warmup .

- Then moderate running(mine is 6 miles) for 3 mins and then increase your speed a little (another 1 or 2 miles) for another 2 min.

- Then again running and bla bla bla.

- At least 30 mins or till you burn up to 300 - 500 kcal (thats very general).

-> Do this 3-4 times a week and if u still want to do HIIT , do it only 1 time a week( MAX 2 TIMES !)

Last but not least , keep focus on your GOAL . Write it down and read it every day :) ! .

The most important thing in achieving anything is setting a GOAL!
If you have not set a goal then : “How could you possibly hit a target you cant even see?“

Hope this help you achieving your goal.
Have a nice day .

Well done!
Thats a fantastic achievement.
I'v been doing HIIT and the progress has been slow in terms of weight loss, but i can see the difference, and measure the difference, and also my performances has improved.

But keep up the good work!