My training schedule for cross-country!

Right now, I'm just doing my leg workouts once a week to build up strength in my legs. My training schedule will start in the middle of December and last until September of next year. My goal is to get my mile time from 9 minutes to below six minutes.

Mondays- Leg workouts- squats, good-mornings, single-leg calf raises
(I'm in a caloric deficit right now trying to lose weight, should I do high weight low reps or low weight high reps?)
Tuesdays- Rest
Wednesdays- 1 mile (record the time to check progress)
Thursdays- 3 miles
Fridays- 3 miles
Saturdays- 3 miles
Sundays- Rest

I'm also thinking about adding some plyometrics in here, but where would it fit in?
i dont really have an answer for ur question, but besides training for the 1 mile, if u run cross country u should train for the 5k, so run longer distances as well. last season our easy days would be 8 mile runs because we could just go at whatever pace. it was a recovery day. the hardest days were like 800 meter repeats- that would only total about 2 and a half miles, but we were running a lot hard and it worked good.
in my un-educated, poor opinion, the best way to get good at something is to do it. so run run run. how to build muscle? run hills. not like, a 20ft hill that goes up about 5 feet, im talking like half mile long steep hills.
i have no idea if thats true, but thats what my team did and it seemed to work good.