Sport My theory on Smoking

Sport Fitness
I think most smokers smoke because it makes them feel like there doing something. say your at a party and your not fitting in and just standing can pull out a smoke and hay hay what do you know you look like your occupied with something. so basically smoking to some degree makes you cool i guess even tho everyones parents say smoking was cool but now its bad for you and isent cool any more...i think it got even cooler because its bad for you!!! basically its Those moments of awkwardness that people can turn to smokes and feel better again that they don't want to give up, not the addiction well i guess that is the addiction lol
mm not much of a thoery, obvisouly poeple have smokes during parties to "do something" :p

I know heaps of ppl though that rnt addicted but just have a smoke when there out, not that thats any better!
yeahhh i guess cause there drunk.

What i hate more is seeing so many people out with tight jeans and massive v necks. They're taking over sydney!
LMAO, tight jeans annoy me too, if you're a guy and can fit in a pair then start squating for Gods sake!!

Regarding smoking, a large part of the addiction is routine and you have 'triggers' that make you smoke. The only cravings I get now since giving up are when I have a drink in my hand or when I'm bored (waiting for a train etc).
It's very likely that social anxiety at parties is a trigger for many smokers, that's why you can buy nicorette inhalers, the idea is they keep your hands busy as well
It's a lot of things from boredom, to being fidgety but - for me at least - it was usually just nicotine withdrawal. If you've never been a smoker, trust sucks. I quit but to Derwyddon's point, it was usually pretty much worth standing in the rain for.
Smoking addiction is a tricky thing, and is different for everybody.

Sara has a good point about the going outside. Yes, there are people who will leave a group of friends, to go outside alone in the weather and smoke. That's usually pure nic-fit.

But it is also pretty common to smoke at parties and bars, etc to occupy your hands. Plus, they just go so damn well with alcohol. lol I don't think it's generally too much about "fitting in" though (at least, not with adults).

They banned all smoking indoors in a nearby town. The result at the bars?---hords of people standing outside on the patios, drinking and smoking, and hardly anyone inside.
It's banned everywhere indoors in California. Thank goodness. The next step is banning it outdoors as well. It's probably going to happen sooner than we think. They are proposing to make it illegal everywhere except inside of your own home. I say if you have an addiction that has the potential to harm the health of other people, it should be your responsibility to keep it to yourself so the public is safe.

As for the theory, I think it's just more habit than anything else. They may start because they think it's a way to fit in or be cool or rebellious, but it eventually just turns in to habit.
stop smoking or start training

About a year ago i had a lot of bad habbits/addictions. Smoking and doing almost no excercise. My weight was 134kg... about 300lb. My wife was having real difficulty with my snoring and i became real determined to fix it. Being overweight and a smoker both plays a part. I decided to pick one thing (one habbit to either start or start) at a time. I chose to excercise. I've lost 32kg while bringing my muscle weight from 70kg to 79kg in the last 12 months and ran 4 5k (avg around 30.5") runs and a 50k bike (in about 1'35"). I strength train 6 times a week for about 1 to 1.5 hours a day with a good program, and either run/bike/spin 4x per week. My diet has also changed dramatically. I did this with 10 cigs a day. I've got 7.5kg left that i want to get rid of to get my goal BF of 15 (then i'll have to make a new goal).

I've been keeping this up for a while and decided it was time to stop my other habbit, smoking before a 12k race i have in october. Its only been 1 1/2 week so far, but i know my 5k times will be dropping from what i can see. Everyone might say "just quit, its bad" but it just shows that they dont know what they are talking about. For a smoker, taking cigarrets away is just like taking away the ability to use your thumb. For me smoking was a valid way to cope with my stress filled job, a stress relieving tool which was letting me escape and forget frustrations for 5 minutes a time in order to re-think what i was doing or talk with another smoker on a completley different topic. the first 3 days i was about to explode (and sometime did) on some fellow workers, venting frustrations which i've had for years but ignored or let slide after my earlier smoke breaks. I'm sure other smokers have different reasons, but this was mine.

the only reason i've stopped so long and feel that i can hold it is that i'm used to working out hard, and can feel the change. If i tried to stop first, there would be no apparent benifit seeing as you dont get your pulse up to 190 sitting on a couch. If you never hit your limit, you'll never know it's changing. Maybe if i held a week i could notice less phlem, but that probably wouldnt be enough to counter the added stress without the typical outlet.

and the aggressive "ban smoking" really need to concentrate on their own problems. Even if i think cars are dangerous because someone can drive another over, gives me no right to disallow them from others. There are alot of dangerous and addicting things that are similar to smoking, just where do you start or stop?
Old thread is old...

but I recently finally swore off all tobacco, as I was in that group that bums a smoke when they are out drinking.
If you wanna stop, stop. Go buy an e-cigarette and some liquid nicotine, satisfy your nicotine habit and 'routines' like vaping while driving (since these don't smoke, but vaporize, you vape it, not smoke it), in a healthy way.

Sure nicotine isn't 'healthy' exactly, but its not a known carcinogen like 99% of the ingredients in a Marlboro!
If anyone is curious, I've researched several e-cigarette (E-NI for electronic nicotine inhalator) vendors before I converted.

(also, you can vape anywhere...I enjoy my nicotine in my office cubicle!)
I think most smokers smoke because it makes them feel like there doing something. say your at a party and your not fitting in and just standing can pull out a smoke and hay hay what do you know you look like your occupied with something. so basically smoking to some degree makes you cool i guess even tho everyones parents say smoking was cool but now its bad for you and isent cool any more...i think it got even cooler because its bad for you!!! basically its Those moments of awkwardness that people can turn to smokes and feel better again that they don't want to give up, not the addiction well i guess that is the addiction lol

If you are at a party where you don't fit in, then you are at the wrong party. You should never be around people you can't realte to, or who can't relate to you. You should only be hanging around people you admire and share interests with.