My story, and a critical question


New member
Ive been overweight for a good portion of my life. Back in the 9th grade I was 240lbs, somewhere along the lines I lost 40 pounds and I was sitting at 200 - 210 for a good while. About 5 weeks ago I began to do some aerobics and adjusted my diet from frozen foods and fast foods to healthy nutritious and natural meals. After visiting the doctors for a vaccine, I found out I was at 190 pounds ( I dont have a scale at home, still too lazy to invest in one ). So I had lost 10 pounds so far.

Im a 20 year old male, I exercise 20 minutes a day minimum doing aerobics (except sunday thats my rest day). I lift every other day for about 15 - 20 minutes after an aerobic workout. Fridays I really push myself because I know the weekends coming, and I know what Im capable of doing on the weekends (Drinking, BBQs etc). Just yesterday I was on a treadmill for 40 minutes, burnt about 350 calories. This is basically my routine, and Ive been pretty satisfied with it.

Now for the question

I decided to go on a 24 hour water fast this morning. But after reading numerous articles about how useless this was, I decided to cut it. Its now 4 30 PM EST, and I decided to treat myself (Keep in mind, I have had nothing to eat all day, which was stupid on my part) so I ordered a medium pizza with no cheese, light sauce with tomatos mushrooms and green peppers from dominos. Im only having 2 slices.

This might be a stupid question but, would I actually GAIN weight from this? I read up that while on a diet, its very bad to skip meals, obviously, and that you should avoid doing that at all costs. Why? Is it just a nutrition thing or will I actually gain weight?

I cant imagine gaining weight because my BMR is 1990 calories while resting, and the 2 slices in total only contain ~ 500 - 600 calories at most. I just feel as though todays been an awkward day for my body. Wow, I sound like a woman
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