My routine

Been doing this routine for 2 weeks now and wondering if I should change anything.

I pyramid my sets adding weight each time

Mon: Bench 10,8,6,4
Incline Bench 10,8,6
Military Press 10,8,6

Tues: Rest

Wed: Dead Lifts 10,8,6,4
Chin Ups 3 sets
Upright Rows 10,8,6
Bicep Curls 10,8,6
Thinking of adding Good Mornings to this day

Thurs: Same as Monday

Fri: Squats 10, 8, 6, 4
Leg Extensions 10,8,6

Sat and Sun: Rest

Thanks for any advice you guys could give me about changes I should make.
Try adding more leg workouts:
leg extensions
hack squats
regular squats
leg press
leg curls (hamstring curls)
and.....I don't know any other hamstring ones =)
Yeah looks good if it works for you! I tried a once a week hypertrophy routine, but it did not work for me at all! I actually lost strength and experienced more soreness after my workouts for several days. I personally believe that my muscles needed to be hit at least twice a week. Eventhough most people believe soreness means you're getting stronger :rolleyes: , i do not. You do not have to get sore to get stronger. With proper stretching you may not get sore at all! But, anyways, point being, once a week workouts are not always the best for everyone. Growth rate and muscle recovery is different for everyone. If the workout is working, keep it, if not, trash it!
scott :D