My Recital


New member
These are two movies my dad took of me singing. One is of me singing, "Someone Like You" from the broadway show Jekyll and Hyde, and the other is one of me singing "Dream Big"

I had made the promise that I would share some of these videos, so here I am, posting myself on the internet for all to see. Please, feel free to critique in any way that you want, critisism is always appreciated, as it helps me get better. Thanks!
You have a wonderful voice! I can't give critisism cause I don't know anything about singing except I know what I like, and I like yours! :D
You have a wonderful voice! I can't give critisism cause I don't know anything about singing except I know what I like, and I like yours! :D


Very nice :) I couldn't hear anything wrong with it.

Not my kind of music, but you have a good voice :)

Thanks. What's your kind of music? I wonder if I can sing it.(as long as it's not rap, i'm willing to try anything just to sing! :D These were country and Broadway, not exactly the most popular kinds. And thanks for the compliment! I'm glad that you couldn't hear anything wrong! Makes me smile that you liked it.

Just caught your clips. I thought you did quite well for being 18. Do you take lessons?

As far as critique, just a few things. I'm classically trained so I've always been hammered through the head that you should start vibrato right off instead of waiting for it to come through. I know that's not the typical style of broadway, but with a sweet voice like yours, it will make a big difference. Make sure to keep your mouth open when you sing... it gets all of the elements of the voice out and doesn't keep it bottled up in the throat. And lastly, make sure all of your words are clear. The second clip was a bit hard to understand at first. I hope you didn't mind that. I felt a little bit of my studio teaching coming out there :)

Overall, I think you're definitely beyond most 18 year olds. You have a good concept and I can tell your heart is in it (the most important part). Keep it up. And when you get to college, definitely get into a voice studio... even if it isn't your major... it's so much fun!!!!

Best of luck!!!!

Just caught your clips. I thought you did quite well for being 18. Do you take lessons?

As far as critique, just a few things. I'm classically trained so I've always been hammered through the head that you should start vibrato right off instead of waiting for it to come through. I know that's not the typical style of broadway, but with a sweet voice like yours, it will make a big difference. Make sure to keep your mouth open when you sing... it gets all of the elements of the voice out and doesn't keep it bottled up in the throat. And lastly, make sure all of your words are clear. The second clip was a bit hard to understand at first. I hope you didn't mind that. I felt a little bit of my studio teaching coming out there :)

Overall, I think you're definitely beyond most 18 year olds. You have a good concept and I can tell your heart is in it (the most important part). Keep it up. And when you get to college, definitely get into a voice studio... even if it isn't your major... it's so much fun!!!!

Best of luck!!!!

Thanks! I do get voice lessons, and I love them to death. After watching the clips, I noticed the some of the same things, like the opening of the mouth wider, and the annunciation. I thought that I had done a good job on the words because no one said anything, BUT, not many people do the hard critiquing in my choir class, so I had no idea on the 2nd song.

And thanks for the comment about the vibrato. I did jazz for a long time, and it was hammered into me NOT to use it, at ALL! :mad: It was hard, because I have a pretty heavy natural vibrato, and then I had to re-train myself when I discovered that I could control it more than I had been.

Thanks again for the wonderful comments! and trust me, I want to get into a voice studio, and maybe even record a CD sometime! I really do love country, and I like to compose music, though none of it is very spectacular at all. :D thanks again!