My progress in pictures

Here's my workout progress so far:

2 1/2 months:

5 1/2 months

6 1/2 months

Also, can anyone give me advice on what I need to work on? Areas I'm weak in, etc.

My routine: Bench, bench flies, military press, butterfly machine, lat pull downs, a basic bicep workout, weighted situps on a situp board then an ab machine.

Next day I take a break from that and run 4 miles.

I do this 6 days a week with one (sometimes 2 if I'm busy) break days.

Tell me where I need help. :)]
Progress looks pritty good, can see your shoulders/stomach etc are more defined, and looks like you've lost abit of body fat.

No leg exercise's though?
Overall, you're getting bigger and leaner. I can see the improvement in shoulders and abs, just as Curtis stated. I would really look into training your legs. I know it's the worst bodypart to train for most people (I actually love legs), but for optimal mass gain, you need to hit the lower body, and hard!
I don't train legs because I do medium distance running (4 miles or so) every other day in between. I figure doing this I can get toned legs and do cardio at the same time.

Thoughts on this?
Hmm... I will be honest but contructive here man. You definitely got more lean, for sure. But this is only my opinion though, I would put on more muscle mass on pec+shoulders+arms+trap+lats. The abs looks pretty good. Pretty much, I would try to gain more muscle, maybe 10 lbs more of solid muscle.