My Post Workout Shake advice needed

So I have just recieved my dexrose today in the post.

A big clear plastic bag filled with 4kg's worth of white powder.
(is this what dextrose should look like?)


My current post workout shake is:

EAS Banana Flavour Whey Protein (30g scoop, 24g protein) - I tend to have a scoop and a half.

3-5 Gramms Creatine Monohydrate.

How much dextrose should I have?

Ratio of 1:1 with the whey?

Or should I have more dextrose?
A big clear plastic bag filled with 4kg's worth of white powder.

I have attached the star of the show to this post.

With a tennis ball next to it so you can see the size of it.

Lol it really does look like drugs in a bag.

Or is it.............
Hehe, but yeah, 2:1 is da way to go bro..