we change the sets and reps to stop our body adapting. I presume you know that the general rule of thumb is that 10+reps is used to gain size and 3-6 reps is used to gain strength.
rather than working them both at the same time. i would consider working specificaly strength or size for 1month, then changing. Otherwise you'll just be doing both, but slower.
also... you want to always train the bigest muscle groups of a workout 1st. This is even more important if you want to loose weight. so... legs 1st, then lats, traps chest shoulders, arms.
yo dont have any core work
you dont have squats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you dont have a barbell to do heavy squats, then do some squat jumps.
Chin up and latpull downs work the same muscles.
this is a very strange workout where did you get it or come up with it?
I'm happy with seeing slower gains right now, I'm kinda going for 'maintenance'
And the order that I listed the workouts in are not the same when I'm performing them. I usually go for larger muscles first, but if I have to wait I'll do something else, i dont like to wait.
I do core work seperatly. That's every other day, on my off days at the gym, and includes planks, side planks, walking plans, scissor kicks, and some exercise ball fun. I keep changing the exercise ball work with stuff i find on the internet.
to add... no offence, but rather than re-write it, your better off going with a tried and tested workout which has been written specifically for your goals.
we all like to write our own workout, but in the end we realise that its best to just do what the experts tell us to.
what are your goals and equipment?
As I mentioned earlier I'm happy with maintenance and slow gains right now. I'm about 170lbs and 14% bf. I'd like to be 175lbs and 12% bf. And since changing to this workout I've seen my chest start blowing up. It's always been a slow gain spot for me. New record 205 pound 2 rep bench the other night. I couldn't do 185lbs 2 months ago.
And as waitwhat mentioned below, I got the workout plan from the April issue on MH. I started working out regularly in the beginning of April. That's when I could get back to the gym after recovering from back surgery (see avatar). It's worked well so at about 9 weeks I changed out the exercises for similar, but diferent ones. Similar concept, so my workout is derived from a tried and true.
I disagree. I think that the changing rep range is right on key. His program reminds me of the beginning of one that I did from Men's Health. You were to do a HEAVY weight day (25 reps per exercise) MODERATE day (40 reps per exercise) and LIGHT day (50 reps per exercise) all in one week. Compound lifting. Work your bigger muscles first as mentioned. Squats, deadlifts and lunges. If you want that workout let me know.
As I mentioed above, I had back surgery to install 2 rods and 6 screws, fusing 3 vertibrae together (T12-L2), and I had to ditch squats and deads. They give me back aches, I tried each of them independantly and they both don't work, as my dr said they wouldn't. I'm thinking I like these lunges better then squats anyway.