I know I've posted about this before but I am just so discouraged.
1. I still haven't lost any weight. Not an ounce! A little bitty ounce!! It has been a MONTH. I don't obsess over the scale but after a month I do expect to see something.
2. I am eating great! Lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and white meat. The only "big" carbs I eat are two pieces of bread ever other day or so and 1/2 cup of yogurt almost every morning. Maybe it's the fruit that's doing it? I'm drinking tons of water, too.
3. I work out every day. At least 30 minutes but usually 45 minutes. I lift free weights every other day and Friday's are my rest day.
4. I am exhausted!!! All I want to do is sleep. I can barely get up in the morning. I could barely make it through my workout just now and had to cut it short because I was getting dizzy and nauseous. And I get a horrible headache almost every single day. I thought living a healthier lifestyle was supposed to have the opposite effect?
I am so discouraged right now. I mean, what is the point of eating healthy when I can eat whatever I want and not lose weight? What's going on?? is there something wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? I must be doing something wrong.
I've attached my calorie intake for the past week: I know it looks low sometimes but I eat a lot and I'm full after every meal.
1. I still haven't lost any weight. Not an ounce! A little bitty ounce!! It has been a MONTH. I don't obsess over the scale but after a month I do expect to see something.
2. I am eating great! Lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and white meat. The only "big" carbs I eat are two pieces of bread ever other day or so and 1/2 cup of yogurt almost every morning. Maybe it's the fruit that's doing it? I'm drinking tons of water, too.
3. I work out every day. At least 30 minutes but usually 45 minutes. I lift free weights every other day and Friday's are my rest day.
4. I am exhausted!!! All I want to do is sleep. I can barely get up in the morning. I could barely make it through my workout just now and had to cut it short because I was getting dizzy and nauseous. And I get a horrible headache almost every single day. I thought living a healthier lifestyle was supposed to have the opposite effect?
I am so discouraged right now. I mean, what is the point of eating healthy when I can eat whatever I want and not lose weight? What's going on?? is there something wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? I must be doing something wrong.
I've attached my calorie intake for the past week: I know it looks low sometimes but I eat a lot and I'm full after every meal.