My parents tell me I'm fat


New member
I'm a 17 year old girl, 5"3 tall and 140lbs. My BMI is 24.4. I gained 15lbs in a month from stress and I think I can lose it all in a month too.

My parents have been criticizing me to lose weight because I'm fat. I don't really care about what they think, but I want to lose weight for my own benefit so I don't become overweight and unhealthy.

I have a weird diet, but it's been steady. I weigh 130lbs to 140lbs during the winter and 120lbs to 130lbs during the summer doing nothing at all. This time, I have a set date to lose weight because I want to look good for my graduation. Lol. After my weight loss, I'll diet properly and exercise daily.

I'm trying to lose weight starting tomorrow until June 6th. I want to lose weight off my stomach, hips and thighs.

I have an exercise ball, treadmill and two 10lbs weights at home. The last time I used the treadmill was 3 months ago. I don't have money to pay for a personal trainer or gym membership.

Here's my plan:

Weekdays - use treadmill for 1hr, do squats and crunches for a total of 20mins
Weekends - use treadmill for 2hrs, do crunches for 30mins, do squats for 20mins, do lady push ups for 20mins

Try not to eat carbohydrates like rice and pasta
Try to gain control of myself so I don't eat a lot
Don't drink any soda
Try not to eat junk foods
Try hard not to procrastinate

Breakfast - fruits and Biscotti
Lunch - salad
Dinner - whatever mom serves

Do you have any advice for me to lose 15lbs within my time period? Can you make me a schedule on what I should do or eat? Thanks
This time, I have a set date to lose weight because I want to look good for my graduation. Lol. After my weight loss, I'll diet properly and exercise daily.

Try again... Lose weight properly NOW and it will stay off after graduation and beyond...

Crash dieting for a specific goal is not effective...

Spend some time reading the stickied threads around the forum then ask questions
(Type fast, suck at spelling bad combo:svengo:)


Listen to Mal, she's the boss...:bigear:

I would find out your BMR (how many calories you burn doing nothing, sleeping etc)....

Then do the Harris Benedict Formula to find out how many calories you need to stay at your weight...

BMR x 1.55 for moderate activity
BMR x 1.375 for light activity

There are other formula's for heavy activity etc, but if you feel you are in that catigory you can google for them.

After you find out how many calories your body needs just to stay at the weight you are. You cut them by 15-20% only... And thats how many calories you can loose weight with and not starve at all... You will be feeding your body for school , play , and exercise!

What you are eating now, or are planing to eat is way to low, and will not sustain you. You will not beable to eat that amount your whole life, so when you do start to increase your calories, your weight will also increase. Takeing your calories down a little at a time, and exerciseing is the healthy, safe and effective method... If I can do it you can do it! is a site were you put everything in that you eat, and the site totals your calories for you, so you know that you are in range... Never go below 1400 calories ever in your life 1200 is around starving. So if your 15-20% deficet is below that number, still stay above it....

Drink lots of water! You wont be hungery! Loosing weight doesn't have to be painful!

I'm sorry your parents said those things to you, I know that doesn't feel good, even if you say it doesnt' bother you. I had something similar happen.

You can do it... Your exercise schedule sounds a little intence, becareful not to overdo it and then get discoraged... Tweek it if you find it too hard. I think maybe to much cardio for someone just starting out, but that's just my opinon. The balance ball is awsume! You can do so much on it! Google for exercises for it, you'll find some you never thought of... Don't forget to put the dumbells into your work out too, you need them to help build muscle that will inturn burn more calories for you....

Well congrats on takeing this journey before you go onto your next big journey (graduation)!!!! Welcome, and I hope this helps some! If you read the sticky threads aroud the site you will learn all this info that I told you, and more!:waving:

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It may seem important now to look good for your high school graduation, but just find a way to lose weight and get in shape the healthy route. Trust me, in 4 years you might talk to a hand full of people you went to high school with at most. You don't sound like you have too much to lose (15 pounds) so you can get rid of it in a few months. I think your exercise goals are not realistic - you typed a perfect case situation. Just be realistic and honest with yourself and you can lose the weight in no time.
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Now a days every one is very conscious about his/her weight. I give you the secret for most effective way to burn body fat ever.

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If you are undertaking exercises at 9am, just shift it by an hour. Try to perform the exercises at 8am. You might also try to perform a different set of exercises that are in the manual or video. Increase the time you spend on the exercises helps too, so if you were jogging for 20 minutes, increasing that by 10 minutes to 40 will help start the fat loosing regime again. In most cases these minor adjustments will help you to start loosing fat again. You can also try changing your dietary habits. For instance, you can increase the amount of protein you get or the times you eat. Just change your normal eating routine and you will find that you have started burning fat again.

But If anyone don't have a time to do Exercise then in that case turbo charge your metabolism and burn off body fat faster than you ever thought possible.

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Here are a few of the fat burning secrets you'll discover:

The #1 most effective way to burn body fat ever (If you could only make one change to your current diet program, this would be it!)

How to break through any fat loss plateau - even if you've been stuck at the same weight for years! 10 fool-proof methods that work like magic every time.

The #1 reason why most people can't drop the last 10 -20 lbs of ab flab and how you can lose it with ease...and (if you want to), go even further and get hyper-ripped and rock-hard like a bodybuilder or fitness model.

How to eat 50% more calories without storing an ounce as fat - It's true - you can actually eat more food while losing more fat using this simple, but often overlooked strategy!

How to crank up your metabolism and turn your body into a food-incinerating, fat-melting human blast furnace! Easy metabolism-boosting techniques revealed!

How to get your body burning fat around the clock - even while you're sleeping!

Hope2 is right on. You have 7 months! you can lose 15 pounds with a healthy plan that you can stick to and just slightly tweak as a maintenance program for life. Slow and steady wins the race. It's important as a young adult to set healthy habits for life.
I hope your parents aren't really calling you fat. That can be very hurtful. Take a step back and realize there's only one you and you deserve the best in life. Go Kick Ass!
I'm 17 too. And I've been getting shit from my parents for the past 4 maybe 5 months or so about my weight. It sucks, and I get the feeling that they don't even think about how I feel when they tell me those things. You would think parents would have more wisdom to just sit down and have a sensible conversation about their child's weight while remaining concerned yet empathetic and so forth.

I gained a bunch of weight when I was discharged from a mental hospital and was put on heavy medications which just caused me to be very apathetic, hungry, tired, slow, and more depressed, and from 150 lbs I gained maybe 30/40 pounds. So i feel your weight loss ups and or downs.

I have the same goal too, I would like to look good for graduation as well. And when I turn 18.

-I hear that variety is a good way too loose weight fast. Do something a little different every day. Like maybe some specific for every day of the week.
-When you do cardio, its better to run or do whatever in intervals, like for every 3 minutes you run at a resistance of 9 or 10, and every 5 minutes you run at a resistance of 7 or 6
-Don't have the same calorie consumption everyday- This will speed up your metabolism, One day eat 1, 500 calories, and the next maybe 1,450 calories, and such.
-Drink cold water if you wake up in the middle of the night, I know this sounds crazy but could baths and showers, and being in the cold a lot helps speed up metablosim.
-Don't discard all carb intake, just be aware of how much bread or dough your eating, carbs give you energy, this discarding carbs, will make you more tired, making you want to eat more, and possibly make your more fat.
I know how it feels to have a parent telling you, you're overweight. My father was a professional soccer player for Germany when I was much younger and I was chubby all the way from 8-16 years old and everyday he let me know that. I know they try to do it for our benefit but they just don't realize how much if affects us emotionally especially females, we take it a bit more to heart. To this day deep down inside I feel that emotion and I struggle with weight as a 25 year old. And even though around 16 I managed to get slim, the up and down weight gain after my son and after my marriage made me really insecure and brought my fathers words back. My suggestion hun is to really try to figure out a healthier way to get rid of the pounds, I know you have your graduation and you want to look fab but you are young, if you can teach yourself to lose weight a much more natural and healthier way NOW it will stick for you when you get older and when you get older to lose weight will be harder and you will be much more tired and preoccupied with "life". We should stay away from sodas and white carbs in general but there are plenty food we can substitute for the bad and get the same satisfaction out of them. Drink plenty of water, do exercise and watch the pounds drop and not return because you are trying to change your lifestyle and your habits for better ones and this is will be a lesson you will take with you for the rest of your life.

Good luck with everything :)