My paper on obesity

Alright I am writing a paper for English class based on why I think people are overweight these days. The thesis for this paper is that there is no emphasis on nutrition in our school systems and that our health doesnt seem to be as important as e=mc2. I have found some studies showing the amount of time spent on nutrtion education, but would like some first hand interview sources. So if I can get a few people to answer these questions that would be great, or just pm the answers to me. Thanks to anyone.

1. Location of school. City, state or state and location (NE, SW)
2. Grade, Name (Last Name at least)
3. Have you taken any nutrition courses?
3A. If yes, what were they and were they required.
4. Are there any required or elective courses that deal with health and nutrtion? (please specify if required)
5. Do they teach anything that may be considered relevant?

To the Athletes
6. Is nutrition a part of your team practice or training?
7. Do the coaches explain the benefits of proper nutrition and the benefits it would have on your performance?

Thanks again.
1. Silver City, New Mexico
2. Senior, Craig Post
3. Yes
3A. Diet & Nutrition 101. No, not required.
4. Yes, all elective. Health, Intro to Culinary Arts
5. Not at all in my opinion.:(
1. Location of school. City, state or state and location (NE, SW)
San Marcos, CA
2. Grade, Name (Last Name at least)
Sophomore, Tony DeLaTorre
3. Have you taken any nutrition courses?
3A. If yes, what were they and were they required.
Health class - Yes.
4. Are there any required or elective courses that deal with health and nutrtion? (please specify if required)
Yes, only Health, which was required.
5. Do they teach anything that may be considered relevant?
Not enough to get anybody to do anything about it.

To the Athletes
6. Is nutrition a part of your team practice or training?
No, sadly.
7. Do the coaches explain the benefits of proper nutrition and the benefits it would have on your performance?
Yes, but not to the extent that it deserves.
1. Westwood, Massachusetts
2. Sophmore
3. Nope
4. No, but we do have speakers come in and talk about health and such, but not that often, and not too in depth.
5. Not really, no.

6. It wasn't at all for basketball.
7. For BBall, not one bit

But for the last 2, I will PM you back when I start wrestling, as I guarentee that they would talk much about it, as wrestling has alot to do with weight classes and such.
I'm not sure if its in all schools in the UK, but I know a lot of schools have started doing a nutrition course. However I think at the moment its like sex education where you only do a half day every year.

I really think that everyone should have a 'key skills' class. as in depth as english and maths.
Then all kids would know about living costs (bills), taxes, sexual health, nutrition, exercise, writing cheques and banking.
I'm sure there are many other subjects that would be really helpfull but they are some of the things that would have been helpful to me after leaving school.

Tony - Will you be posting your paper when you have finished? I would be interested to read it.
Tony...we must be on the same lines or something. I did an obesity paper for my advanced composition paper. Here's the link to it:

and no you can't make fun of my ID over there...I really need to change it.
Tony - Will you be posting your paper when you have finished? I would be interested to read it.

I can yes. Its not due for about two weeks though. Its for english class and the main source is a book called "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. Its actually a very interesting book about how our (American) society is really developed around the concept of fast food. We like fast food, fast everything really is the way to sum it up. I recommend anyone read it, its really cool to see how these Food Giants got started and where there products really come from. I havent finished the whole book yet, but I will.

Blessed Samurai- Im gonna check that paper out later today.

Thanks to those who have answered so far.
i would be happy to post this on too ... give me a heads up when you are done.

Not sure if you have this included, but I know that the school the I went to allowed you to opt out of PE class already in grade 8 and the women teachers were quite lax as far as effort the girls put in.

The male teachers were a lot more strict, but they were also walking on egg shells as to not upset the lazier of the group.
Okay I am not in highschool, but I have kids in school. You may want to ask what they are taught at home. Everything we learn is not learned at school. I know in our small school district there are many initiatives designed to make parents and children more health conscious, but most most of our eating habits and lifestyle choices begin and continue through what is taught by the parent or legal guardian. I work in healthcare and have many opinions on this topic ;-), just thought I would chare a unsolicited few cents.
I was in high school up until June, and I doubt anything has changed so I'll help you out:

1. Location of school. City, state or state and location (NE, SW)Santa Maria, central CA
2. Grade, Name (Last Name at least)Alumni, Cassidy Lee
3. Have you taken any nutrition courses? Not specifically "nutrition"
3A. If yes, what were they and were they required.Health courses were required for atleast two whole semesters. Several courses were available to fulfill this requirement, and the majority of those had some kind of nutritional lesson. None were geared soley to nutrition, however.
4. Are there any required or elective courses that deal with health and nutrtion? (please specify if required)Yes, there were health courses that had units dedicated to nutrition. There are other classes that deal with cooking (they also deal with nutrition)
5. Do they teach anything that may be considered relevant? Yes, they teach the basics of nutritional eating, and I don't recall any instructors pushing the latest diet fads. Whether or not the student decides to consider the lessons as relevant is subjective, as you know.
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I really want to see power taken away from younger kids, who I believe have too much say in the Government.

My voting will reflect that this Tuesday. Hahahahhahahha
1. Location of school. New Jersey
2. Grade, Name. 12th, Casey Scheiner
3. Have you taken any nutrition courses? No.
3A. If yes, what were they and were they required.
4. Are there any required or elective courses that deal with health and nutrtion? The obvious is Physical Education and Health which is required 4 years of passing in NJ to graduate. We used to have a Fitness & Nutrition class, but too many people were fooling around so I couldn't do it this year because they removed it.
5. Do they teach anything that may be considered relevant? Uh, yes. Obviously they encourage physical fitness and teach about healthy habits (recently, we watched "Super Size Me" to encourage the cutting down of fast food consumption)

To the Athletes
6. Is nutrition a part of your team practice or training? Unfortunately, no.
7. Do the coaches explain the benefits of proper nutrition and the benefits it would have on your performance? None of my coaches have specified on dieting and healthy eating, just hydration.
I turned in the first draft today. The paper is 5-7 pages max so I didnt specify too much in areas where I would have liked. My paper is about 6 pages however. We'll see how my English professor likes it on Thursday.
Here is the finished product. I got an A- on this so its about 7 pages if you want to read it. Enjoy and let me know what you think.


  • Nutrition.doc
    34 KB · Views: 227
  • Works Cited.doc
    22.5 KB · Views: 241
Education is key but many people know that its unhealthy to eat that stuff and do it anyways.

Think about how much time is spent teaching kids the danger of sex, drugs, smoking, and alcohol.......yet most of us still try them all out!

Its up to the parents to set the example, if mom buys BK then the kid eats BK, stoping the cycle will be tough.