Weight-Loss My nutrition....I'm kinda worried....Please help

Okay this is my first post here...and anyways...for a little more than 2 weeks...I have been working out and dieting and have lost like 9 pounds...and I am worried about my nutrition. I am going to give you info about myself and what a typical day would be via fitday. All help greatly appreciated!

Sex: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6' 5.25"
Weight: 277
Fat %: 40% (according to the thing I weigh myself on)

Calories Eaten Today: Total: 1924

grams ________cals __________ %total

Fat: 48___________435_____________23%
Sat: 14 __________126 _____________7%
Poly: 9 ___________80______________4%
Mono: 13 __________117 ____________6%

Carbs: 273 _________1021 ____________54%
Fiber: 18 __________0 ______________0%

Protein: 111 __________446_____________23%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

Calories Burned Today: 4373 (If I didn't exercise, according to fitday)
cals % total

Basal: 2650 61%
Lifestyle: 1723 39%
Activities: 0 0%

Here is what I have eaten from some random day:

Food Name Size ____________________Cals Fat Carb Prot
Frosted Mini-Wheats _______________180 1 44 5
Milk, cow's, fluid, 1% fat _____________51 1 6 4
Almonds, sugar-coated ______________160 7 25 3
Corn, yellow _______________________ 151 2 31 4
Perfectly Protein Mocha Cappuccino (3 servings) 445 6 73 25
Lettuce, cos or romaine, raw __________8 0 1 1
Simply Orange juice __________________110 0 26 2
kefir cultured lowfat milk______________174 2 25 14
Tyson Honey battered breast tenders____ 264 16 16 16
Chicken breast ____________________ 188 5 1 34
Reese's granola bar with peanuts ________160 9 18 4
strawberries ___________________________34 0 9 1
Totals ______________________________1924 48 273 111

Note: I usually don't drink the Perfectly Protein Mocha 3 servings a day...I usually get a drink from bolthouse farms and/or Naked Juice...and that's the one I picked.

I usually also have a glass of either a drink called Blue Goodness or Green Goodness from Bolthouse farms (read more here: )

If I don't drink it from Bolthouse, I do from Naked Juice, which is basically the same thing. (Blue Machine and Green Machine from the Superfood section, )

I go to the gym on MWF, and before and afterwards, I drink a protein shake. I get 24 grams of protein from that. I drink the Optimum Nutrition one. Typically my routine is jogging for 30 minutes and then lifting weights, and as time goes by I plan to add more such as the stair machine and bike machine.

I am worried because without exercise I will burn around 4500 calories (is that really true?)...and also it seems like I am getting a lot of my carbs from fruits (Isn't that bad....and I always drink a blue or green drink each day).

Around 3 pounds a week sounds like too much to me!!! Maybe because I am so overweight, that I have so much to lose, that a lot will come off now, and it will level off later.

Any suggestions? I hate vege's....The only way I'd get a serving is if I had a glass of V8...haha. Well I guess I do like corn (heard wasn't that good for you)...and I do like lettuce.

Please help me, if you can. And if you need any more information, let me know.

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There seems to be a lot of sugar in your diet and not nearly enough fiber -

I'd lose the frosted mini wheats cereal and find a cereal that's higher in fiber and less frosted - doesn't mean you have to eat cardboard for breakfast but reading a few labels will give you a much better choice.

Lose the sugar coated almonds for plain - almonds are a great snack, they don't need the sugar coating...

Your calories seem low -- search this forum for harris benedict formula - or check the stickied nutrition thread in this forum - that will give you some direction on how many calories you should have in a day, and where those calories shoudl come from.

Why do you hate veggies? When I read this -it makes me crazy because theres no way you have tried every vegetable out there, nor have you experimented with different preparation methods.. You might not have liked broccoli when you were 6 - guess what you aren't 6 anymore - tastes change as you grow up... Try different vegetables... yo probably didn't like girls when you were 6 either - I'm sure that's changed too :D
There seems to be a lot of sugar in your diet and not nearly enough fiber -

I'd lose the frosted mini wheats cereal and find a cereal that's higher in fiber and less frosted - doesn't mean you have to eat cardboard for breakfast but reading a few labels will give you a much better choice.

Lose the sugar coated almonds for plain - almonds are a great snack, they don't need the sugar coating...

Your calories seem low -- search this forum for harris benedict formula - or check the stickied nutrition thread in this forum - that will give you some direction on how many calories you should have in a day, and where those calories shoudl come from.

Why do you hate veggies? When I read this -it makes me crazy because theres no way you have tried every vegetable out there, nor have you experimented with different preparation methods.. You might not have liked broccoli when you were 6 - guess what you aren't 6 anymore - tastes change as you grow up... Try different vegetables... yo probably didn't like girls when you were 6 either - I'm sure that's changed too :D

Thanks. I think I get low calories because I stay up late, and by the time I wake up and eat breakfast at 11...I really have much chance to eat lunch before dinner is prepared. I am a 3 meal a day person, but maybe I should be a 5-6.

I already take One-a-day Weight Smart... but should I take anything other supplements to help boost my matabolism or anything?

I used the formula, but I am a little confused. Here is a picture of the results: . That seems like a lot of calories. And is it true that you just subtract like 500 for 1 lb ad week or 1000 for 2 lbs a week? So that would be...well...I joined that sparkpeople and it had set a goal of between 2000 and 2300 calories...if that means anything.

My mom usually mixes the vege's together, so they all have a bad taste. I am a very picky eater. Maybe I"ll try some.
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I like spark people for it's food journal and some information provided, but their base calories come in pretty consistantly low... at my weight, they say for m e to lose 2 lbs a week i shoudl have 1200-1500 calories - I stay around 2100 calories and still manage to lose those same 2lbs a week...

Do you know how many calories a day uou were at before you decided to change your habits? it's really helpful to know what your starting point was and then adjust downwards from that....

Maybe have a talk with mom about her vegetable selection or do some recipe hunting for new veggie preparation methods-I won't eat canned veggies or carrot/peas mixtures but other vegetables, like zucchini or spinach or broccoli, roasted with soe garlic and olive oil I love... Men who cook are really sexy :) maybe giving her a hand in the kitchen she'd appreciate :D