My New Workout Routine, Is it Okay?

One day Legs and Abs (All types for legs and Abs), and the Main day, Pullups, Chinups, Dips and Pushups, 3 Sets of each plus final exercises on the floor. Basically 6 days a week, 3 times abs and legs, 3 times upper body. Plus anyway, when you do all the Upper Body exercises you exercise core and abs aswell right...

Too much, too little, not right?

Any advice or opinion is welcome... Right now I finished my 3rd day of this new routine, I feel very sore, so Happy, hadn't felt this sore for ages... Only problem is ofcourse... I think I may have hurt some muscle in my right forearms, I donow, it hurts when I pull-up :(
Altough I don't like the 'Spam/Ad approach' you introduced yourself with sir, Still Thankyou, I admit what you said is very True, I haven't thought about that...

So, fine, if I do the same routine it will adapt, but at the same time the body should slowly adapt to making the same reps with less effort right? = More reps. What I'm asking is, if I keep going, I'm trying to do more everytime, I keep a sheet of paper with all the numbers of my sets at each workout, I will keep it up for a month atleast, and the stats will speak I guess.
Thanks for the reply man. Oh and for the record, I made it 4 sets of each now, 3 wasn't enough ;)