My names Shaun

Hey all, my names Shaun, I've been working out for like 4 months now (on and off) but recently started working out properly about 4 weeks ago.

I have been doing:

Bench press (Barbell)
Bicep Curl (Dumbell)
Leg raises
sit ups

I have been doing 60 of each in 4 reps of 15 and I have seen a little bit of improvment. This is done once every 2 days.

I'm 15 years old very nearly 16 and have always been ''skinny'' and still am (just 9 stone/126lbs), I'm looking for help on gaining more weight and getting a better appearence.

Any advice would be nice, thank you.
Thats not very friendly, ignoring someone seeking advice.
The interenet is not a friendly place.

That and about 10 people per day turn up asking for advice, then never post again.

Is it worth our time to help you? Will you stick around and share your own advice with the community, make it worthwhile?

Anyway, if you want useful advice, you have to give useful information.

Want more weight? Eat a packet of pasta a day. You'll gain weight.

Those are all fine exercises.

Throw in some squats, and take up jogging. Everyone forgets to work their legs, which is fairly silly really.

I could start listing all the exercises I know, and most of them will help you, but that's not an efficient use of time. If you tell us your exact goals, we might be able to help you reach them.

Increase the weight your using and decrease the reps per set. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, take in plenty of protein, drink plenty of water. Get plenty of rest.
sorry shaun, looks like this one slipped by us. welcome :)

you'll find a ton of stuff to help you. basically you want to consume more calories than you burn off and use basic multi-joint movements like squats, deads, cleans, presses, rows, chins, dips, etc ;)
Hey Shaun,

Welcome, this is a wicked site but I agree with the comment from another post its whether you will share your progress with us and are commited enough. Welcome anyway I don't have much advice for you since I'm female but I agree work your legs and don't forget jogging.
