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New member
Hi everyone I'm new and I'm Rochelle, I'm 26yrs old just married to Matt 30. I have all ways had problems with my weight. From 13-16 I had an eating disorder. I been on Weight Watchers 3 times, Jenny Craig once. I lose the weight and then all sudden I gain it back. I basically never coped. I don't want to have to pay for the gym or meals. I rather learn to eat properly and excersize better. I can't wait to get to know you.
Welcome Rochelle. Probably not all the advice you need you will find here... You should either do research on finding a balanced diet or if you have the money to consult with a nutritionist. I don't imagine you are very much overweight?
Rochelle, you will find the inspiration here, we'll support you and I hope that you can reach your goals - maybe you should start a journal if you need to help keep track of yourself! .. Any questions you have let me know! Hope to hear again from you soon - take care :)
Welcome To The Forum And You Will Find The Support Here We Have Challenges And Clubs Feel Free To Join Them!! You Can And Will Do This!!!!!
Hi Rochelle. I know its tough to find a happy in-between place with your weight after having an eating disorder. I was anorexic in highschool too. I would eat a head of lettuce in a day and that was it - half for lunch and the other half after school and that was it. Fortunately for me I got pregnant when I was 15 so my body didnt give me much of a choice - I had to start eating. I went from 110lbs when I was 3 mths pregnant to 170 when I delivered. I'm thankful that I got pregnant because my son was a real wake up call for me, plus I have the most awesome kid in the world...hehehe. He just turned 14 (gawd I'm old).

If you have already done WW and JC, then you must have alot of knowledge about portion control and what types of food are better than others. Maybe you can take that knowledge and mish/mash it together to make something that will work for you. A friend and I have been joking around lately and saying we are on the "Lean Cuisine" diet cuz we both bring frozen lunches to work everyday. She has also done WW and JC several times but always gained the weight back.

As for exercise, if you dont want to pay for a gym maybe you should try some workout videos at home. Personally I love anything by Kathy Smith, she is really easy to follow. And there is always the great outdoors :) the weather is finally starting to get nice so walking could be an option.
Hey girl, welcome. Feel free to ask questions, where all here to help.
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