My Mom lost 140lbs, now her family hates her for it.

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Two years ago my Mother's husband left her for another woman. This is not the proper place to discuss the horrible particulars of that event aside from the fact that at the time she was at least 160lbs over weight.

She had gained all of that weight during their 14year - abusive marriage. No one knew what was going on because the abuse was psychological for the most part. She was hiding behind food.

Rather than break down and die when her husband left her she started a regimen of diet and exercise and lost nearly 80lbs in the first year. Now that total is well over 120. She looks great, feels great, and has more energy that I have seen her with since I was a kid. She bumped into her childhood sweetheart (her first boyfriend - when she was 9yrs old and her first kiss) and they fell in love and are engaged.

Cinderella story, right? WRONG.

It appears that due to this 'new life' and happiness she is experiencing most of my family has turned on her. My brother and his wife have accused her of no longer being the Mother and Grandmother they knew and have forbid her to see her grandchildren. Her sister and brother have started treating her like dirt and she only hears after the fact about family parties.

They were so used to this fat woman that would jump for them at a snap, who wouldn't defend herself to anyone and was subservient to the entire family structure. All the while they would berate her about how fat and unhealthy she was. My brother and his wife would tell her how sad they were that their children's Grandmother was going to die of a heart attack before they were in high-school and that she was hurting everyone with her eating and obesity. I tried to get her to loose the weight but it took the tragedy of her husband (the creep) to motivate her. And she did it. And she did it for herself. And now she is happy with herself.

But now she is loosing her family. They have become cold and cruel beyond what I would have thought they were capable. They resent her happiness and her freedom and her success. Now she is paying the ultimate price - her Grandchildren who she loves more than life itself, and her son (much of the problem is with my sister-in-law).

Everyone loved her when she was fat. Everyone called her for parties and to see the kids and to help out and to join in. This all stopped a year ago - and she is alone but for her fiancé and I (and my fiancé). None of us can understand it. They have even demonized us for supporting her.

Does this happen to everyone who beats it? Has she lost her family and those Grandkids? Is there anyone I can have her talk to or something I can read?

If anyone knows of any psychologists that have written about this reaction from family and friends, please let me know. If there is a web-site for this type of support... please... let me know. I need to understand their reaction. She needs to know that she is not alone in the world.

Please. If there is a direction that I can point her before the cycle continues again. She has already gained 12 ponds in the past 3 months.


It's killing her.
wow... I'm not a therapist, and I don't have alot of suggestions, but I can say that it is not like that for everyone. It is very sad that your family has responded that way to her amazing accomplishment - the ability for her to take back her own life - and all I can hope for is that you are able to support her and let you know that at least you care for her.

that being said, it does sound like some family counseling is needed. While your brother/sister might now be willing to talk about it now, if your mother could get some therapy, it would help her at least respond to and deal with their responses to her and help her to realize that she is doing the best thing for her health. I hope that you will find a way to reach out to your other family members and help them to see the things that you see in her - baby steps are probably all you can ask for right now...

I'm sorry that I can't help more - and I don't know that we have many people on this site who are really qualified for that type of help. We mostly do alot of mutual support as we lose weight together. I wish you and your family the best of luck as you go through this extremely difficult time, and my prayers and thoughts are with you.

Yea, she's been talking to someine since the divorce (a professional councilor). She's helped my Mom through a lot. But my brother's family is stone-walling her.

She's a great woman and has acomplished a lot. She's just not the complacent, easy target she was before.

Thanks for the kind words and yea, I figured the situation was way past a simple support forum. What I am mostly looking for is a direction to turn to... some way to show her that she;s not alone in what shes going through with them. She knows she;s not alone on the world as long as she has her fiance and my family.


Again though, if anyone has ever come across this reaction of a family to someone who hs had such significant changes for the better, please post.
wow.. thats such a sad story.. I really wish i had some words of advice, but i think that amomono has hit the nail pretty much on the head.

All i can say is good luck.. hope things work out for you all.
I used to be in graduate school for counseling. I had someone who came to me who was in almost the exact situation.

You should let her know that you are there for her and support her. She obviously feels better physically since she lost the weight, just feeling worse emotionally because of her family. In my opinion, she should explain to her family that she still loves them very much and is still the same mother and grandmother that she always was. She should explain to them that she is happy with the weight loss, and that she can now be an even better grandmother because she will be able to be around longer since she will not have all of the health problems that come along with obesity. Also, she should tell them that, while it will mean a lot to her if they are supportive of her, she is not going to regain the weight.

Change is hard for most people. Just explain to your mom that it may take awhile for them to come around, but don't give up!

I think it is wonderful that your mom was able to lose so much. I hope everything works out for both of you.

Hugs to you both!

Please take what is useful and disregard what is not from my opinion below:

You did the right thing by supporting your mother and trying to find help for her. Please don't stop trying to find the right help. Keep knocking door to door until you find someone qualified to help. There is help out there. I don't know if you have already tried searching the net but try a search engine using a combination of words like: counseling + weightloss or mental health after weightloss, etc. Try or or these types of sites. They may lead you to the right place. Also, try your civic center or county public health for resouces too.

My opinion is:
Your mother took her power back. This is her one and only life and she has a right to her life. Your mother has no negative intentions in living her best life. The family members who have pain and fear need to gain understanding of their emotions and learn how to communicate their pain and fear of this new relationship with their mother. The dynamics have changed. Your mother probably has more confidence,goals,and opinions. She has freedom now. They feel threatened by this new life. Your mother should no longer take responsibility for others people's feelings. They must be accountable for they're own emotion and seek help understanding it. For the family members, I believe as an adult you do not have the right to continue to blame your parents for things you don't understand-- seek help--You always have choices --- Choose to change yourself not others.

There is a history of abuse and codendents in my family so if you want to talk more feel free to send a private message.
Stay strong and keep searching.
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I would say two words sos.......fuck em. If they act this way then they sound like a bunch of moron jealous hicks anyway. She is better off without them.
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