Sport My low fat, low carb, low sodium, low caffeine diet

Sport Fitness
I'm 57 and need a low fat, low carb, low sodium diet. Following is the diet I've been using. Am I missing anything? Does anyone have any suggested changes?


Cheerios (1 cup)
Fat Free Milk
6 oz can of apple, orange or pineapple juice


- Wonder whole wheat 100% bread (2 slices)
- Chicken or Tuna spread made from mixture of canned chicken or tuna, fat free mayo, diced celery, onions, bell pepper.
Handful of carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower
One apple, orange or pear
Diet soda (no caffeine)


Beef or Pork (once per week), fish (twice per week), otherwise chicken or ground turkey
No salt added canned corn, green beans or peas
Large salad with salsa (no dressing)
Diet soda (no caffeine)
Fat Free Yogert
You're missing fats and carbs, oh and calories. You cant gain or lose weight if you're on a "low" fat AND carb plan. You are also missing two to three more meals. I dont know if it was overlooked but you're also missing water, the most important aspect of all. I would say to read around the nutrition section (both men and womens) and diaries to see what you can find.